Volume 11,Issue 5,2019 Table of Contents

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Advances in Plastic Forming of Light-weight Components with Tailor Welded Plate
  ZHAN Mei, XING Lu, GAO Peng-fei, MA Peng-yu and MA Fei
  2019,11(5):1-12 [Abstract]  [View PDF(3.41 M)]
Research Progress on Fracture Prediction in Spin-forming
  ZHAN Mei, LI Rui, ZHENG Ze-bang, GAO Peng-fei, ZHANG Hong-rui and LYU Wei
  2019,11(5):13-20 [Abstract]  [View PDF(1.35 M)]
Recent Developments in Spinning of Complex Thin-walled Parts with Inner Ribs
  ZENG Xiang, FAN Xiao-guang, LI Hong-wei, ZHAN Mei, GAO Peng-fei and CHEN Qi
  2019,11(5):21-31 [Abstract]  [View PDF(4.04 M)]
Effects of Initial Texture on Macro-micro Behaviors of Ni-based Superalloy during the Electrically-assisted Tensile
  ZHANG Xin, LI Zhi-jun, LI Hong-wei, ZHAN Mei, SHAO Guang-da and GAO Jia
  2019,11(5):32-36 [Abstract]  [View PDF(1.28 M)]
Spinning Forming Rule of a Superalloy Ω-section Sealing Ring
  SHAO Guang-da, LI Zhi-jun, LI Hong-wei and ZHAN Mei
  2019,11(5):37-42 [Abstract]  [View PDF(1.45 M)]
Wall Thickness Variation of a Superalloy Thin-Walled W-section Seal Ring during Roll Forming
  LI Liu-zhu, LI Zhi-jun, LI Hong-wei, XUE Jia-jia, ZHAN Mei and TANG Qi
  2019,11(5):43-49 [Abstract]  [View PDF(2.01 M)]


A-TIG Welding Technology of Austenitic Stainless Steel
  YANG Cheng-gang, REN Ze-liang, SONG You-min and GUAN Zhong-da
  2019,11(5):50-54 [Abstract]  [View PDF(3.21 M)]
Electron Beam Welding of Dissimilar Materials between Copper and Austenite Stainless Steel
  SUN Wen-jun, WANG Shan-lin, HONG Min, TAO Jia-qi, TAN Guan-hua, CHEN Yu-hua and KE Li-ming
  2019,11(5):55-62 [Abstract]  [View PDF(18.50 M)]
New Progress in Spot Welding Technology of Titanium-Aluminum Dissimilar Materials
  LIU Hao, CHEN Yu-hua, JI Di and XU Ming-fang
  2019,11(5):63-70 [Abstract]  [View PDF(1.32 M)]
Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of 316LN/Inconel 718 Dissimilar Alloy Laser Welding Joint with Different Filling Materials
  GENG Zhi-jie, WANG Shan-lin, CHEN Yu-hua, XIN Ji-jun and KE Li-ming
  2019,11(5):71-77 [Abstract]  [View PDF(7.38 M)]
Effects of Ultrasonic Impact on Microstructure and Properties of Friction Stir Welded Aluminum Alloy
  DENG Yun-fa, ZHANG Ti-ming, GAN Xian-wei, YOU Yi-ming and CHEN Yu-hua
  2019,11(5):78-85 [Abstract]  [View PDF(4.68 M)]
Microstructures and Mechanical Properties of Dissimilar Titanium-aluminum Joints via Friction Stir Spot Welded with Bolt-assisted
  LU Hai-bin, DENG Huai-bo, ZHONG Wen-bin, ZHANG Lin-han and CHEN Yu-hua
  2019,11(5):86-90 [Abstract]  [View PDF(736.37 K)]
Interface Characteristics of Riveted Al/Steel Joints by Assisted Friction Stir Welding
  REN Hang, LIU Hao, WU Geng-yi and CHEN Yu-hua
  2019,11(5):91-97 [Abstract]  [View PDF(1.73 M)]
Research Progress of Surface Impact Treatment Improved Stress Corrosion Cracking Resistance of Friction Stir Welded Aluminium Alloys
  ZHANG Fu-lin, ZHANG Ti-ming, DENG Yun-fa, FAN Hao, XIONG Tao-huan and CHEN Yu-hua
  2019,11(5):98-102 [Abstract]  [View PDF(793.88 K)]
Effect of Cracks in Electron Beam Welding of K418 Superalloy and Its Microstructure and Properties
  TAN Guan-hua, WANG Shan-lin, WU Ming, SUN Wen-jun, CHEN Yu-hua and KE Li-ming
  2019,11(5):103-108 [Abstract]  [View PDF(2.97 M)]
Effects of Reflux Times on Microstructure Evolution and Reliability of Lead-free Solder Joints
  WU Ming, WANG Shan-lin, SUN Wen-jun, TAN Guan-hua, CHEN Yu-hua and KE Li-ming
  2019,11(5):109-114 [Abstract]  [View PDF(5.52 M)]
Research Status on Tools of Friction Stir Welding in Titanium Alloy
  SHAO Shuai, HUANG Yong-de and CHEN Yu-hua
  2019,11(5):115-122 [Abstract]  [View PDF(2.07 M)]
Design and Research of Water Cooling System for Friction Stir Welding in Titanium Alloy
  LIANG Yong-hong, SHAO Shuai, ZHANG Xu, HUANG Fu-dong and HUANG Yong-de
  2019,11(5):123-126 [Abstract]  [View PDF(912.20 K)]
Design of Surface Ultrasonic Impact Device for Plate and Rotary Parts
  XIE Yu-tian, ZHANG Ti-ming, CHEN Yu-hua and DENG Yun-fa
  2019,11(5):127-130 [Abstract]  [View PDF(2.99 M)]
Microstructure and Properties of Plasma Deposition ZrO2 Coating
  YANG Xiang-lin, WANG Shan-lin, CHEN Yu-hua and KE Li-ming
  2019,11(5):131-136 [Abstract]  [View PDF(26.38 M)]
Process and Performance of Submerged Arc Surfacing WC Particle Reinforced Composite Layer
  ZUO Zhi-chao, XU Wei-yi, WANG Lei, CHEN Yu-hua, XIE Yu-tian and HUANG Yong-de
  2019,11(5):137-141 [Abstract]  [View PDF(1.25 M)]
Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of TC4 Titanium Alloy Made by UVA-CMT WAAM
  XU Ming-fang, CHEN Yu-hua, DENG Huai-bo and JI Di
  2019,11(5):142-148 [Abstract]  [View PDF(6.24 M)]
Microstructure and Corrosion Resistance of Aluminum Bronze Made by CMT Arc Additive ManufacturingTechnology
  WEN Tao-tao, CHEN Yu-hua, CHEN Wei, DENG Yun-fa, JI Di and ZHANG Wen-tao
  2019,11(5):149-154 [Abstract]  [View PDF(5.42 M)]
Development and Present Situation of Steel Wear-resisting Material under Impact Wear Condition
  XU Wei-yi, LIANG Yong-hong, ZUO Zhi-chao and HUANG Yong-de
  2019,11(5):155-160 [Abstract]  [View PDF(537.83 K)]
Synthesis of Copper Nanoparticles by Two-step Liquid Phase Reduction
  HUANG Fu-dong, ZUO Zhi-chao, CHEN Yu-hua, WANG Shan-lin and HUANG Yong-de
  2019,11(5):161-165 [Abstract]  [View PDF(995.72 K)]
Microstructure Transformation Rule of As-cast DD5 Single Crystal during Heat Treatment
  ZENG Xi, HUANG Yong-de, JIAN Yuan-yuan, MIAO Xiao-feng and ZHANG Cheng-cong
  2019,11(5):166-172 [Abstract]  [View PDF(4.12 M)]

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