Research Status on Tools of Friction Stir Welding in Titanium Alloy
Received:July 20, 2019  Revised:September 10, 2019
中文关键词: 钛合金  搅拌摩擦焊  搅拌头  研究现状
英文关键词: titanium alloy  friction stir welding  tools  research status
Author NameAffiliation
SHAO Shuai Jiangxi Key Laboratory of Forming and Joining Technology for Aerospace Components, Nanchang Hangkong University, Nanchang 330036, China 
HUANG Yong-de Jiangxi Key Laboratory of Forming and Joining Technology for Aerospace Components, Nanchang Hangkong University, Nanchang 330036, China 
CHEN Yu-hua Jiangxi Key Laboratory of Forming and Joining Technology for Aerospace Components, Nanchang Hangkong University, Nanchang 330036, China 
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      Friction stir welding has great advantages in welding high melting point metals such as titanium alloys, but the wear of the tools has always been a major difficulty. Therefore, the structures and materials of the tools of friction stir welding in titanium alloy were discussed in the article. It is considered that the comprehensive performance of the conical stirring needle is better. In terms of material selection, the tungsten-rhenium alloy has a better application prospect currently, but the combination of different materials may be more promising in the future. To study the wear mechanism of the tools and the method of reducing wear, several auxiliary welding processes and simulations widely used now are listed. It is pointed out that the auxiliary welding process can reduce the wear of the tools, but the process is still incomplete and they also have a lot of room for improvement. Except for simulation, there are few researches on structure, material optimization, wear mechanism and auxiliary process of titanium alloy friction stir welding tools. This limits its research progress and application.
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