Development and Present Situation of Steel Wear-resisting Material under Impact Wear Condition
Received:July 20, 2019  Revised:September 10, 2019
中文关键词: 冲击磨料磨损  铁基复合材料  复合结构
英文关键词: impact abrasive wear  iron matrix composites  composite structure
Author NameAffiliation
XU Wei-yi 1. Jiangxi Key Laboratory of Forming and Joining Technology for Aerospace Components, Nanchang 330036, China 
LIANG Yong-hong 2. Jiangxi Machinery Industry Design and Research Institute, Nanchang 330046, China) 
ZUO Zhi-chao 1. Jiangxi Key Laboratory of Forming and Joining Technology for Aerospace Components, Nanchang 330036, China 
HUANG Yong-de 1. Jiangxi Key Laboratory of Forming and Joining Technology for Aerospace Components, Nanchang 330036, China 
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      在破碎、研磨、挖掘等机械设备上,因其常常受物料的冲击磨损,导致耐磨件快速失效,每年耐 磨件消耗量很大,如何实现耐磨性和经济效益的有机统一是人们关注的问题。而耐磨材料也在不断地发展,从第一代钢铁耐磨材料 Mn13 到第三代钢铁耐磨材料高铬铸铁,再到陶瓷颗粒增强复合材料,以应对不同磨损工况。冲击磨料磨损是一种较为复杂的磨损工况,要求材料具有较高的硬度,同时材料还要保持一定的韧性以抵抗冲击力。针对冲击磨损工况下铁基耐磨材料,介绍了国内外耐磨材料的发展现状,概述了从高锰钢到复合材料,再到复合结构的发展过程,总结了复合材料从基体的选择到增强颗粒的选择,及多种颗粒混合增强的研究进展,重点对陶瓷颗粒增强铁基复合材料及复合结构进行了较为全面的介绍,从软质基体包嵌硬质单元和硬质基体包嵌强韧网络单元两种复合方式进行分析,并对未来复合结构技术的发展进行展望。
      In crushing, grinding, digging and other mechanical equipment, the impact and wear of materials usually lead to rapid failure of wear resistant parts, thus the wear resistant parts consumption is large every year. How to achieve the organic unity of wear resistance and economic benefits is a problem that attracts attention. Wear-resistant materials are also developed continuously, from the first generation of steel wear-resistant material Mn13 to the third generation of steel wear-resistant material high chromium cast iron, and then to ceramic particle reinforced composite material, to cope with different wear conditions. Impact abrasive wear is a more complex wear condition, requiring the material to have a higher hardness; at the same time, the material must maintain a certain toughness to resist impact force. In allusion to the iron-based wear-resisting material in impact abrasion working conditions, the current development of wear resistant materials at home and abroad was introduced, the development from composite material from high manganese steel to composite structure and composite materials were summarized from the selection of the matrix to the choice of reinforcing particles, and the research progress of various particle mixing enhancement. Ceramic particles reinforced iron matrix composite materials and composite structures were mainly introduced. Two types of composite were analyzed from the soft substrate package embedded hard and rigid substrate package embedded strong network units. The future development of composite structure technology was prospected.
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