Welding Residual Stress Test of X80 Oil Pipeline Girth Weld
Received:April 15, 2024  
中文关键词: X80管道  焊接残余应力  盲孔法  环焊缝  试验研究
英文关键词: X80 pipeline  welding residual stress  blind hole method  girth weld  experimental study
Author NameAffiliation
GU Song School of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Southwest University of Science and Technology, Sichuan Mianyang 621010, China 
JIANG Guang School of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Southwest University of Science and Technology, Sichuan Mianyang 621010, China 
GU Ying School of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Southwest University of Science and Technology, Sichuan Mianyang 621010, China 
CHEN Xiangbin Sichuan Jiaotong University Engineering Testing & Consulting Co., Ltd., Chengdu 610000, China 
KONG Chao School of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Southwest University of Science and Technology, Sichuan Mianyang 621010, China 
ZHANG Yu Sichuan Deyuan Pipeline Technology Co., Ltd., Chengdu 610000, China 
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      目的 获得X80高钢级管道环焊缝焊接残余应力大小与分布模式。方法 首先采用盲孔法对X80高钢级管道的环焊缝焊接残余应力进行了测试,然后将测试结果与X80管道焊接残余应力的相关文献试验数据以及国家标准《在用含缺陷压力容器安全评定》GB/T 19624—2019所规定的内容进行了对比分析,最后根据测试数据提出了X80高钢级管道环焊缝焊接残余应力σR与距焊缝中心距离x之间的函数关系式,进一步得到了X80管道环焊缝沿环向与轴向的焊接残余应力计算公式。结果 X80管道环焊缝沿环向区域存在较大的残余拉应力,焊接残余应力在焊趾区域达到峰值,表现为随着距焊缝中心距离的增加,环向残余应力由拉应力小幅度增加达到峰值567 MPa后迅速转变为压应力,随后缓慢转变为拉应力并趋近于0。随着距焊缝中心距离的增加,轴向残余应力由压应力迅速转变为拉应力,其中压应力峰值为92 MPa,发生在焊缝熔合线位置,拉应力峰值为188 MPa,出现在远离熔合线16 mm位置。结论 根据试验结果提出了适用于X80管道环焊缝沿环向与轴向的焊接残余应力分布模式,为含缺陷X80管道的安全评定及修复提供理论参考。
      The work aims to obtain the magnitude and distribution mode of welding residual stress of X80 high-grade pipeline girth weld. Firstly, the blind hole method was used to test the welding residual stress of the girth weld of a X80 high steel grade pipeline. Then, the test results were compared with the relevant literature test data of the welding residual stress of the X80 pipeline and the content stipulated in the national standard "Safety Assessment of Pressure Vessels with Defects in Use" GB/T 19624—2019. Finally, according to the test data, the functional relationship between the welding residual stress of the girth weld of the X80 high steel grade pipeline and the distance from the weld center was proposed, and the calculation formula of the welding residual stress along the circumferential and axial directions of the girth weld of the X80 pipeline was further obtained. The results showed that there was a large residual tensile stress in the circumferential weld of the X80 pipeline along the circumferential area, and the welding residual stress reached the peak in the weld toe area. The circumferential residual stress increased with the distance from the center of the weld, and the tensile stress increased slightly. After reaching the peak value of 567 MPa, it rapidly changed into compressive stress, and then slowly changed into tensile stress and tends to zero. The axial residual stress decreased rapidly from the peak compressive stress of 92 MPa near the wend fusion line to the peak tensile stress of 188 MPa at 16 nm to the fusion line with the increase of the distance from the weld center. According to the test results, the distribution mode of welding residual stress along the circumferential and axial directions of the girth weld of X80 pipeline is proposed, which provides a theoretical reference for the safety assessment and repair of X80 pipeline with defects.
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