Heat Source Model and Temperature Field Simulation for Inclined Electron Beam Welding of High-strength Steel
Received:May 20, 2024  
中文关键词: 电子束倾斜焊接  热源模型  温度场  椭圆高斯分布  数值模拟
英文关键词: electron beam inclined welding  heat source model  temperature field  elliptic gaussian distribution  numerical simulation
Author NameAffiliation
GAO Yuehua Jiangxi Key Laboratory of Forming and Joining Technology for Aerospace Components, Nanchang Hangkong University, Nanchang 330063, China 
PENG Lichang Jiangxi Key Laboratory of Forming and Joining Technology for Aerospace Components, Nanchang Hangkong University, Nanchang 330063, China 
LIU Qipeng Jiangxi Key Laboratory of Forming and Joining Technology for Aerospace Components, Nanchang Hangkong University, Nanchang 330063, China 
XIONG Zhihao Jiangxi Key Laboratory of Forming and Joining Technology for Aerospace Components, Nanchang Hangkong University, Nanchang 330063, China 
WANG Shanlin Jiangxi Key Laboratory of Forming and Joining Technology for Aerospace Components, Nanchang Hangkong University, Nanchang 330063, China 
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      目的 提出一种电子束倾斜焊接的面、体复合热源模型,并探讨电子束倾斜角度对焊接温度场的影响。方法 考虑到电子束能量为高斯型分布,基于焊件厚度方向上各层的最大功率密度相等原则,构建了椭圆高斯分布的面热源和椭圆高斯分布的倾斜圆台体热源模型。通过推导建立了焊接工艺相同条件下电子束倾斜焊接热源模型与电子束垂直焊接热源模型的关系,进而通过垂直焊接实验间接获得倾斜热源参数。在校核电子束垂直焊接热源模型的基础上对高强钢板的电子束倾斜焊接进行了深入研究。结果 与工艺参数相同的条件下的垂直焊接相比,当倾角增大到30°时,钉形熔池下部向前倾斜的程度增加,熔池最高温度升高约5.6%,熔深减小约17.14%,熔池长度增加约11.11%,熔池前方最大温度梯度减小约7.2%,熔池后方上部温度梯度变化不大,下部的温度梯度升高约12.6%。结论 随着电子束倾斜角度的增加,熔池最高温度升高,熔池长度增加,深度明显减小,使焊件厚度方向的温度梯度增大。熔池前方最大温度梯度减小,熔池后方下部的温度梯度升高。
      The work aims to propose a surface and body composite heat source model for inclined electron beam welding, so as to explore the effects of the tilt angle of the electron beam on temperature field. Based on the Gaussian distribution of electron beam energy and the principle that the maximum power density of each layer was equal in the thickness direction of the welded part, a surface heat source of elliptic Gaussian distribution and a an inclined ellipsoidal cone heat source of elliptic Gaussian distribution were established. The parametric relation between the heat source models for inclined and vertical electron beam welding under the same process was established through deduction. The parameters of inclined heat source were obtained indirectly through vertical welding experiments. On the basis of checking the heat source model of electron beam vertical welding, the electron beam inclined welding of high strength steel plates was studied deeply. It was shown that, compared with vertical welding at the same process parameters, when the angle increased to 30°, the maximum temperature increased by about 5.6%, the melting depth decreased by about 17.14%, and the length of the molten pool increased by about 11.11%. The maximum temperature gradient in front of the molten pool decreased by about 7.2%, while the temperature gradient at the upper part of the rear of the molten pool did not change much, and increased by about 12.6% at the lower part. For the same process parameters, as the inclination angle of the electron beam increases, the inclination angle of the melt pool increases, the maximum temperature of the melt pool increases, the length and width of the melt pool increase, and the depth of the melt pool decreases. These result that the higher the inclination angle is, the more the temperature gradient in the direction of the thickness of the weldment will increase. The maximum temperature gradient decreases in front of the molten pool and increases in the lower part of the back of the molten pool.
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