Research Progress on Numerical Simulation of Aluminum Alloy Automobile Component Casting
Received:April 11, 2024  
中文关键词: 汽车零部件  铸造工艺  数值模拟  网格划分  智能优化
英文关键词: automotive components  casting process  numerical simulation  mesh generation  intelligent optimization
Author NameAffiliation
QIN Qidong School of Mechanical Engineering, Yancheng Institute of Technology, Jiangsu Yancheng 224051, China 
ZHOU Linzhen School of Mechanical Engineering, Yancheng Institute of Technology, Jiangsu Yancheng 224051, China 
ZHOU Yangyang Hebei High Strength and Toughness Lightweight Wheel Technology Innovation Center, Baoding Lizhong Wheel Manufacturing Co., Ltd., Hebei Baoding 071000, China 
LU Jianjun Hebei High Strength and Toughness Lightweight Wheel Technology Innovation Center, Baoding Lizhong Wheel Manufacturing Co., Ltd., Hebei Baoding 071000, China 
ZHANG Guangdong School of Mechanical Engineering, Yancheng Institute of Technology, Jiangsu Yancheng 224051, China 
LI Risheng Hebei High Strength and Toughness Lightweight Wheel Technology Innovation Center, Baoding Lizhong Wheel Manufacturing Co., Ltd., Hebei Baoding 071000, China 
LI Shihui Hebei High Strength and Toughness Lightweight Wheel Technology Innovation Center, Baoding Lizhong Wheel Manufacturing Co., Ltd., Hebei Baoding 071000, China 
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      The burgeoning new energy vehicle market has heightened the demand for lightweight automotive solutions, propelling the increased integration of cast aluminum alloy components throughout the entire vehicle. The common casting processes of aluminum alloy automotive components are introduced, including sand casting, gravity casting, pressure die casting, low pressure casting, differential pressure casting, and squeeze casting, and a comparison is made from the perspectives of performance, efficiency, quality, cost, and typical applications. New casting technologies such as integrated die casting and sand mold 3D printing casting technology are introduced. A comprehensive review of the development of casting numerical simulation technology from the aspects of mathematical models and numerical calculation methods is provided, summarizing the current research status of mathematical models for flow field, temperature field, stress field, and microstructure, as well as numerical simulation calculation methods for filling and solidification processes. Comparative analysis of mainstream casting forming numerical simulation software is conducted. The mesh generation technology for pre-processing of casting numerical simulation, the setting of thermal physical parameters and boundary conditions, as well as the post-processing module visualization technology and the result verification methods are summarized. The application and new development of casting numerical simulation technology are introduced, including guiding mold design, optimizing process parameters and developing integrated computing platforms and their development and application in new casting technologies are also expounded. Finally, the current issues are analyzed and future research directions are prospected.
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