Tensile Properties of 2A12 Aluminum Alloy Plate with Hole Edge Crack Damage Repair Parts Based on Different Repair Methods
Received:April 02, 2024  
中文关键词: 孔边裂纹  铆接  损伤修复  胶铆接  拉伸强度
英文关键词: hole edge crack  riveting  damage repair  adhesive riveting  tensile strength
Author NameAffiliation
LI Yuheng College of Materials Science and Technology, Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Nanjing 211106, China 
BU Hengchang College of Materials Science and Technology, Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Nanjing 211106, China 
ZHU Hongwei China Helicopter Research and Development Institute, Jiangxi Jingdezhen 333001, China 
GUAN Xiaohu College of Materials Science and Technology, Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Nanjing 211106, China 
GAO Qiyu College of Materials Science and Technology, Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Nanjing 211106, China 
ZHAN Xiaohong College of Materials Science and Technology, Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Nanjing 211106, China 
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      目的 研究含孔边裂纹损伤的铝合金板在典型修复方式下的性能恢复程度,并分析孔边裂纹长度对胶铆接修复效果的影响,为铝合金孔边裂纹损伤的高质量修复提供数据支撑。方法 采用胶接、铆接和胶铆接3类典型抢修方式对铝合金孔边裂纹损伤开展修复试验,并制备含不同长度孔边裂纹的铝合金板,研究孔边裂纹长度对胶铆接修复件性能的影响规律,并采用拉伸测试评估损伤件修复后性能恢复程度。结果 对含孔边裂纹的铝合金板修复而言,胶铆接修复件的强塑性明显优于胶接修复件及铆接修复件,最大断裂载荷达到6 179 N,伸长率提升至3.05%。随裂纹长度增加,含孔边裂纹的铝合金胶铆接修复件性能恢复程度逐渐降低。基于力学测试结果分析,修复件失效形式主要包括胶层界面破坏、补片破坏及基板破坏。当裂纹长度大于15 mm时,修复件的失效形式由基板破坏转变为混合破坏(孔边裂纹两端基板破坏及补片破坏)。结论 对于含10 mm孔边裂纹铝合金板而言,胶铆接修复件最大断裂载荷恢复至完好构件的72.23%,这表明胶铆接可以较好地实现含孔边裂纹铝合金板的修复。此外,针对铝合金板不同长度的孔边裂纹损伤,修复件在同种胶铆接修复工艺下的失效形式有所不同,故针对铝合金板不同长度的孔边裂纹损伤,需要定制和开发相应的修复工艺。
      The work aims to study the performance recovery degree of aluminum alloy plates with hole edge crack damage under typical repair methods, and analyze the influence of hole edge crack length on the repair effect of adhesive riveting, so as to provide data support for high-quality repair of aluminum alloy hole edge crack damage. Three typical repair methods of adhesive bonding, riveting and adhesive riveting were used to repair the hole edge crack damage of aluminum alloy, and aluminum alloy plates with different length of hole edge cracks were prepared. The influence of hole edge crack length on the performance of adhesive riveting repair parts was studied, and the performance recovery degree of damaged parts after repair was evaluated by tensile tests. For the repair of aluminum alloy plates with hole edge cracks, the strength and plasticity of the adhesive riveting repair parts were obviously better than those of the adhesive bonding repair parts and the riveting repair parts. The maximum fracture load reached 6 179 N and the elongation increased to 3.05%. With the increase of crack length, the performance recovery degree of aluminum alloy adhesive riveting repair parts with hole edge cracks gradually decreased. Based on the analysis of mechanical test results, the failure modes of the repaired parts mainly included the failure of the adhesive layer interface, the failure of the patch and the failure of the substrate. When the crack length was greater than 15 mm, the failure mode of the repaired part changes from substrate failure to mixed failure (substrate failure at both ends of the hole edge crack and patch failure). Inconclusion, for the aluminum alloy plate with 10 mm hole edge crack, the maximum fracture load of the adhesive riveting repair part is restored to 72.23% of the intact component, which indicates that the adhesive riveting can better realize the repair of the aluminum alloy plate with hole edge cracks. In addition, for the hole edge crack damage of different lengths of aluminum alloy plates, the failure modes of the repair parts under the same adhesive riveting repair process are different. Therefore, for the hole edge crack damage of different lengths of aluminum alloy plates, it is necessary to customize and develop the corresponding repair process.
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