Interfacial Characteristics and Mechanical Properties of Cu/Al Composite Plates for Automobile Multi-path Rolling
Received:March 16, 2024  
中文关键词: 多路径轧制  铜/铝复合板  界面结构  各向异性  力学性能
英文关键词: multi-path rolling  copper/aluminum composite plates  interfacial structure  anisotropy  mechanical properties
Author NameAffiliation
REN Shiming Hebei Institute of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering Technician, Department of Modern Manufacturing, Hebei Zhangjiakou 075000, China 
ZHOU Dexu School of Resources and Environmental Engineering, Wuhan University of Science and Technology, Wuhan 430081, China 
LIU Xinglong China Machinery Industrial Products Co., Ltd., Beijing 100055, China 
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      目的 解决传统轧制复合制备的金属层状复合板的界面结合强度和力学性能在各个方向存在强的机械各向异性的问题。方法 采用实验和模拟相结合的方式,首先通过2个道次的轧制复合实验,制备了铜/铝复合板,然后通过拉剪实验以及对界面微观结构特征的实验表征研究了轧制路径对铜/铝复合板界面特征和界面结合质量的影响,并通过实验结果和模拟结果分析了轧制路径对铜/铝复合板性能的影响机理。结果 二道次同向轧制RD方向、45°方向和TD方向的界面结合强度分别为55.2、35.8和28.7 MPa;二道次45°轧制RD方向、45°方向和TD方向的界面结合强度分别为48.5、41.3和42.4 MPa;二道次垂直交叉轧制RD方向、45°方向和TD方向的界面结合强度分别为42.6、47.7和40.5 MPa。结论 轧制路径的改变使界面的开裂方式由条带状开裂转变为网状/十字交叉开裂,提高了界面多区域的冶金结合,显著改善了铜/铝复合板界面结合状态和力学性能的各向异性,对高性能金属层状复合板的制备具有重要的意义。
      The work aims to solve the strong mechanical anisotropy of the interfacial bond strength and mechanical properties of prepared metal laminated composite plates in all directions. In this paper, a combination of experiments and simulations were used to firstly prepare Cu/Al composite plates through two passes of rolling composite experiments, and then the effects of rolling path on the interfacial characteristics and interfacial bonding quality of the Cu/Al composite plates were investigated through tensile shear experiments as well as experimental characterization of interfacial microstructural features. The effect of rolling path on the performance of the copper/aluminum composite plates was analyzed through experimental results and simulation results. The interfacial bond strengths of two passes of isotropic rolling were 55.2, 35.8 and 28.7 MPa; the interfacial bond strengths of two passes of 45° rolling were 48.5, 41.3 and 42.4 MPa; and the interfacial bond strengths of two passes of perpendicular cross rolling were 42.6, 47.7 and 40.5 MPa, respectively. The change of rolling path changes the cracking mode of the interface from strip cracking mode to mesh/cross-cross cracking form, which improves the multi-region bonding of the interface strong bonding region, and significantly improves the anisotropy of the interface bonding state and mechanical properties of copper/aluminum composite plates, which is of great significance for the preparation of high-performance metal laminated composite plates.
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