Research Status of Aluminum Alloy Additive Manufacturing
Received:December 26, 2023  
中文关键词: 铝合金  增材制造  成形精度  力学性能
英文关键词: aluminum alloy  additive manufacturing  forming accuracy  mechanical properties
Author NameAffiliation
ZOU Wenfeng Jiangshan Heavy Industry Research Institute Co., Ltd., China North Industries Group, Hubei Xiangyang 441005, China 
DAI Kaiming Jiangshan Heavy Industry Research Institute Co., Ltd., China North Industries Group, Hubei Xiangyang 441005, China 
QU Feifei Jiangshan Heavy Industry Research Institute Co., Ltd., China North Industries Group, Hubei Xiangyang 441005, China 
Hits: 194
Download times: 40
      The rapid development of the society puts forward higher requirements for aluminum alloy additive manufacturing technology. This technology is urgently needed to produce a major breakthrough in manufacturing precision and mechanical properties. In this regard, cutting-edge regulating technologies in this field were summarized with forming control and property control as the entry points. Among them, the lack of forming accuracy is manifested in the field of wire arc additive manufacturing, and the regulation approach focuses on reducing the unnecessary heat input or adjusting the process parameters through feedback to correct the manufacturing accuracy in a timely manner. As for the performance regulation, control methods of defects such as porosity, cracks, etc. were reviewed to introduce elements or energy fields, with the optimization of process parameters, to inhibit or eliminate these common defects. At the same time, it is further introduced that the introduction of elements to form the precipitation of reinforced phases conducive to the enhancement of strength, and the energy input of the energy field causes the fragmentation of primary grains and is conducive to grain refinement. Combined with appropriate heat treatment process control, the mechanical properties of the components can be greatly improved.
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