Forming Process and Properties of Cu54-56Zn40-44 Regenerated Copper Alloy Rods
Received:June 30, 2024  
中文关键词: 废杂铜  ZnS颗粒  合金化  热挤压  去应力退火  高效再生
英文关键词: scrap copper  ZnS particles  alloying  hot extrusion  stress relief annealing  efficient regeneration
Author NameAffiliation
WANG Fachao Shanxi North Copper New Material Technology Co., Ltd., Shanxi Yuncheng 044000, China
Ningbo Changzhen Copper Co., Ltd., Zhejiang Ningbo 315000, China 
HU Dandan Ningbo Changzhen Copper Co., Ltd., Zhejiang Ningbo 315000, China 
SHEN Shouwen Ningbo Changzhen Copper Co., Ltd., Zhejiang Ningbo 315000, China 
HUANG Teng Ningbo Changzhen Copper Co., Ltd., Zhejiang Ningbo 315000, China 
LIU Wei Shanxi North Copper New Material Technology Co., Ltd., Shanxi Yuncheng 044000, China 
WANG Xiao Shanxi North Copper New Material Technology Co., Ltd., Shanxi Yuncheng 044000, China 
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      目的 促进多杂质元素的废杂铜低成本高效回收,实现二次资源的绿色循环利用。方法 基于现有废杂铜直接利用法生产再生黄铜合金棒材,通过废杂铜原料→依成分配料→熔铸合金化→挤压成形→无心车床处理→去应力退火工艺路线,得到了稳定合格的低铜精密棒材成品。结果 废杂铜原料的搭配使用是控制杂质元素含量超标的关键环节,需要结合经验值进行合理配方。熔炼工序,在助熔剂、清渣剂、精炼剂和覆盖剂等的作用下,皆可有效减少熔体中的杂质元素,制备出高品质水平连铸铸锭;加工工序,在微量元素的有益范围内,生产的精密再生黄铜棒材抗拉强度≥560 MPa,延伸率≥22%。结论 在制备低铜精密再生黄铜合金棒材过程中,开发了一条生产稳定低铜再生黄铜合金产品的工艺路线,实现了废杂铜原料高品质再生。
      The work aims to promote the low-cost and efficient recovery of scrap copper with multiple impurity elements to realize the green recycling of secondary resources. Based on the direct utilization of scrap copper for producing regenerated brass alloy rods, the stable and qualified low-copper precision rod was obtained through the process route of scrap copper materials → composition of the ingredients → melting and casting alloying → extrusion molding → centerless lathe treatment → stress relief annealing process. The use of scrap copper was the key to prevent the impurity element content from exceeding the standard, and the reasonable formulation should be conducted combined with the empirical value. In the smelting process, with the action of fluxing agent, cleaning agent, refining agent and covering agent, the impurity elements could be reduced effectively and the high-quality horizontal continuous casting ingots could be prepared. For processing, within the beneficial range of trace elements, the tensile strength of precision regenerated brass rods produced was ≥560 MPa and the elongation was ≥22%. To prepare low-copper precision regenerated brass alloy rods, a process route has been developed to produce stable low-copper regenerated brass alloy products, realizing high-quality recycling of scrap copper materials.
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