Optimization of Casting Process for Copper Alloy Sea Valve Based on ProCAST
Received:June 29, 2024  
中文关键词: 通海阀  数值模拟  铸造系统  ProCAST  铸造工艺优化
英文关键词: sea valve  numerical simulation  casting system  ProCAST  casting process optimization
Author NameAffiliation
LI Ying School of Materials Science and Engineering, Central South University, Changsha 410083, China 
LI Linhan School of Materials Science and Engineering, Central South University, Changsha 410083, China 
JIA Yanlin School of Materials Science and Engineering, Central South University, Changsha 410083, China 
XIAO Zhu School of Materials Science and Engineering, Central South University, Changsha 410083, China 
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      目的 结合ZCuAl7-7-4-2合金的铸造特性,研究复杂薄壁铸件通海阀的铸造成形工艺,探究初始浇注方案下的充型、凝固规律,优化工艺并提出合理的铸造工艺方案。方法 根据通海阀的结构特点,设计出底注雨淋式浇注系统,并利用流体力学理论和截面积比值法确定浇注系统的具体参数,使用ProCAST软件研究不同工艺参数、冒口尺寸对铸件质量的影响,以得到最优的浇注方案。结果 在底注雨淋式浇注系统的充型过程中,金属液温度分布均匀、流速平稳,凝固顺序合理,所得铸件缺陷较少,其中疏松缩孔体积为0.63 mm3,且集中分布在阀盖处。优化浇注温度和浇注速度能够有效减少铸造缺陷,优化出的最佳浇注工艺参数组合如下:浇注温度为1 180 ℃,浇注速度为3.5 kg/s。结合该模拟结果改进冒口尺寸后,彻底消除了铸件的铸造缺陷。结论 优化工艺参数和浇注系统设计能够有效提高铸件的生产质量,便于铸件的一次成形,对实际生产提供指导。
      The work aims to research the casting process of complex thin-walled castings through the sea valves, to explore the pattern of mold filling and solidification under the initial casting schemes, optimize the process and put forward a reasonable casting process plan in combination with the casting characteristics of ZCuAl7-7-4-2 alloy. According to the structural characteristics of the sea valve, a bottom pouring rain shower casting system was designed. The specific parameters of the casting system were determined by the fluid mechanics theory and the cross-sectional area ratio method, and the ProCAST software was used to compare and study the effects of process parameters, and riser sizes on the quality of castings, in order to get the optimal casting scheme. Through analysis and research, the temperature of the metal liquid was uniform and the flow rate was stable during the filling process of the bottom pouring rain pouring system, and the solidification sequence was reasonable. The obtained castings had fewer defects, and the volume of the shrinkage cavity was 0.63 mm3, which was concentrated at the valve cover. Optimization of casting temperature and casting speed could effectively reduce casting defects, and the best combination of casting process parameters was optimized as follows:pouring temperature of 1 180 ℃, casting speed of 3.5 kg/s. Combined with the simulation results to improve the size of the risers, the casting defects of the castings were completely eliminated. Optimization of process parameters and casting system design can effectively improve the production quality of castings, facilitate the casting of one-time molding, and provide guidance for actual production.
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