In-situ Research of Interface-mediated Damage and Fracture Behavior of Cu Based Nanostructured Metallic Multilayers
Received:June 29, 2024  
中文关键词: 纳米金属多层膜  界面损伤及断裂  位错-界面交互  孪晶-界面交互  原位研究
英文关键词: nanostructured metallic multilayers  interfacial damage and fracture  dislocation-interface interaction  twins-interface interaction  in-situ research
Author NameAffiliation
QI Zhixu Institute of Materials, Henan Academy of Sciences, Zhengzhou 450046, China
School of Materials Science and Engineering, Henan University of Science and Technology, Henan Luoyang 471003, China 
YUE Pengfei Institute of Materials, Henan Academy of Sciences, Zhengzhou 450046, China 
LI Xiyao Institute of Materials, Henan Academy of Sciences, Zhengzhou 450046, China 
WANG Jiangwei Institute of Materials, Henan Academy of Sciences, Zhengzhou 450046, China 
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      As typical heterogeneous materials, nanostructured metallic multilayers exhibit damage and fracture behavior that is mediated by interfaces in their mechanical response. The in-situ mechanical test method based on the evolution of electron microscopy has facilitated the precise delineation of the mechanical behavior of multilayers throughout the deformation process, thus helping uncover the specific physical mechanisms governing interfacial damage and fracture. Currently, the in-situ research on nanostructured multilayers has made considerable progress. With Cu based nanostructured multilayers as model materials and from defect-interface interaction behavior, in-depth discussions were conducted on the in-situ research of interfacial damage caused by three dislocation-interface interaction mechanisms of dislocation pile-up, dislocation-confined layer slip, and dislocation across based on the effect of component layer thickness on dislocation movement. The effect of twins-interface interactions in interfacial damage was further elucidated, and the consequent interfacial damage behavior induced by twinning was meticulously analyzed. The behavior of crack initiation and extension during multilayer deformation mediated by interfaces was further discussed on this foundation. A comprehensive analysis was performed to investigate the interface-mediated fracture mechanisms in multilayers, considering various factors such as interface structure, loading form and crack deflection. Finally, the in-situ research on the damage and fracture behavior of materials was prospected.
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