Grinding Characteristics of SiCp/Al Composites with High Volume Fraction
Received:December 08, 2023  
中文关键词: 高体积分数  铝基碳化硅  磨削加工  粗糙度  颗粒失效
英文关键词: high volume fraction  aluminum silicon carbide  grinding processing  roughness  particle failure
Author NameAffiliation
YE Hui School of Mechanical Engineering, University of Shanghai for Science &
Technology, Shanghai 200093, China 
NI Anjie School of Mechanical Engineering, University of Shanghai for Science &
Technology, Shanghai 200093, China 
XIE Jiafu School of Mechanical Engineering, University of Shanghai for Science &
Technology, Shanghai 200093, China 
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      目的 为获得高体积分数铝基碳化硅(SiCp/Al)的高质量加工表面,对材料磨削去除特性和表面质量形成机制进行研究。方法 在高速立式加工中心上对工件进行磨削实验,并采集加工中的磨削力,观测加工后工件的表面形貌。研究了磨削深度、进给速度和主轴转速对材料表面粗糙度、表面缺陷比例和磨削力的影响规律,结合有限元仿真分析,揭示磨削参数对增强SiC颗粒不同失效形式的影响。结果 磨削深度对元件表面质量和磨削力的影响权重最大,降低磨削深度可以显著减小磨削力并降低表面粗糙度及表面缺陷比例。同时,提高主轴转速或降低进给速度能够在减小磨削力的同时降低表面粗糙度与表面缺陷比例。结论 当采用10 μm的磨削深度、40 mm/min的进给速度和10 000 r/min的主轴转速(即磨削速度5.23 m/s)时,能够获得粗糙度Ra=0.416 μm的SiCp/Al表面,与初始表面粗糙度相比,优化了72.6%。
      The work aims to study the grinding removal characteristics and the surface quality formation mechanism of the material to achieve a high-quality machined surface for the aluminum silicon carbide (SiCp/Al) with a high volume fraction. Grinding experiments were conducted on a high-speed vertical machining center, and the grinding forces during processing were collected and the surface morphology of the workpiece after processing was observed. The effect of grinding depth, feed rate, and spindle speed on material surface roughness, surface defect ratio, and grinding force was investigated. Combined with finite element simulation analysis, the effect of grinding parameters on different failure forms of reinforced SiC particles was revealed. The grinding depth had the greatest effect on the component surface quality and grinding force. Reducing the grinding depth could significantly decrease the grinding force and reduce the surface roughness and surface defect ratio. At the same time, increasing the spindle speed or reducing the feed rate could decrease the grinding force, surface roughness, and surface defect ratio. In this study, a surface roughness of Ra=0.416 μm can be achieved on the SiCp/Al when a grinding depth of 10 μm, a feed rate of 40 mm/min, and a spindle speed of 10 000 r/min (i.e., a grinding speed of 5.23 m/s) are adopted, which is 72.6% higher than the initial surface roughness.
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