Experimental Study on Molten Metal Die Forging (MMDF) of Aluminum Alloy Parts with Complex Cavity
Received:October 11, 2023  
中文关键词: 液态模锻  加压制度  砂芯  涂料  黏砂
英文关键词: molten metal die forging (MMDF)  pressurization system  sand core  coating  sand sticking defects
Author NameAffiliation
SHI Hongwei Guangzhou Hede Lightweight Molding Technology Co., Ltd., Guangzhou 511300, China 
CHEN Yeyu Guangzhou Hede Lightweight Molding Technology Co., Ltd., Guangzhou 511300, China 
YANG Wei Guangzhou Hede Lightweight Molding Technology Co., Ltd., Guangzhou 511300, China 
XIE Deqiang Guangzhou Hede Lightweight Molding Technology Co., Ltd., Guangzhou 511300, China 
CHEN Chuming Guangzhou Hede Lightweight Molding Technology Co., Ltd., Guangzhou 511300, China 
YANG Jiazhou Guangzhou Hede Lightweight Molding Technology Co., Ltd., Guangzhou 511300, China 
XING Shuming School of Mechanical and Electronic Control Engineering, Beijing Jiaotong University, Beijing 100044, China 
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      目的 为拓宽液态模锻技术的应用范围,实现具有复杂内腔结构件的高性能短流程成形制造,开展了使用砂芯的液态模锻技术试验研究。方法 以具有复杂内腔的新能源汽车铝合金空气弹簧顶座为对象,利用广州和德装备制造公司生产的卧式液态模锻机,对比研究不同砂芯、涂料及液锻加压制度对黏砂缺陷的影响作用。结果 普通砂芯在液锻中容易被压溃或产生黏砂缺陷;在苏铸砂芯的基础上自行配制HDSC01液锻砂芯,配合HDCoating03专用涂料,采用阶梯加压方法进行液态模锻,所得液锻件内表面光洁无黏砂、尺寸精确。结论 液态模锻可以使用砂芯进行复杂内腔结构件的高性能精密成形,但工艺控制不当,容易出现黏砂缺陷。阶梯加压、使用专用砂芯和专用涂料是防止黏砂的有效途径。
      The work aims to conduct experimental research of Molten Metal Die Forging (MMDF) technology with sand cores to broaden the application range of MMDF technology and realize the high-performance short-process forming manufacturing of complex cavity structural parts. The air spring top seat of new energy vehicles with a complex inner cavity was selected as the object. The horizontal MMDF machine produced by Guangzhou Hede Equipment Manufacturing Co., Ltd. was used to compare and study the effects of different sand cores, coatings and forging pressurization systems on sand sticking defects and sand inclusion defects. It was experimentally found that ordinary sand cores were easy to be crushed or have sand sticking defects in the process. When using the HDSC01 sand cores configured on the basis of the Su casting sand core together with the special coating of HDCoating01, and adopting the stepped pressurization method, the inner surface of the obtained MMDF parts was smooth and sand-free and the size was accurate. In conclusions, the MMDF process can be used for high-performance precision forming of complex cavity structural parts. However, if the process is not properly controlled, and sand sticking defects are prone to occur. Stepped pressurization and use of special sand cores and special coatings are effective ways to prevent sand sticking.
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