Current Research Status of Commonly Used High-temperature Brazing Filler Metal in the Aerospace Field
Received:June 12, 2024  
中文关键词: 高温钎料  镍基钎料  钴基钎料  钛基钎料  锰基钎料  贵金属钎料  高熵钎料  航空航天
英文关键词: high-temperature brazing filler metal  nickel-based brazing filler metal  cobalt-based brazing filler metal  titanium-based brazing filler metal  manganese-based brazing filler metal  precious metal brazing filler metal  high entropy brazing filler metal  aerospace
Author NameAffiliation
ZU Jiaze State Key Laboratory of Advanced Brazing Filler Metals and Technology, Zhengzhou Institute of Machinery Co., Ltd., Zhengzhou 450001, China 
MA Jia State Key Laboratory of Advanced Brazing Filler Metals and Technology, Zhengzhou Institute of Machinery Co., Ltd., Zhengzhou 450001, China 
QIN Jian State Key Laboratory of Advanced Brazing Filler Metals and Technology, Zhengzhou Institute of Machinery Co., Ltd., Zhengzhou 450001, China 
LONG Weimin State Key Laboratory of Advanced Brazing Filler Metals and Technology, Zhengzhou Institute of Machinery Co., Ltd., Zhengzhou 450001, China 
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      In recent years, with the development of the aerospace industry, various core functional components of aircraft are facing the problem of increasingly extreme service environments. Service environments of ultra-high speed and high temperature put forward higher requirements for the overall performance of various components, so research on high-temperature brazing filler metal used in the aerospace field is particularly important. High-temperature brazing filler metals commonly used in the aerospace field include nickel-based brazing filler metal, cobalt-based brazing filler metal, titanium-based brazing filler metal, manganese-based brazing filler metal, precious metal brazing filler metal, and high entropy brazing filler metal, which are usually used for brazing connections of stainless steel, high-temperature alloys, titanium alloys, and new ceramic materials. This article mainly focuses on several commonly used high-temperature brazing filler metals in the aerospace field, summarizes the elemental composition and characteristics of brazing materials, introduces the forming characteristics and processes of brazing filler metals, analyzes the research and application status, and puts forward suggestions and prospects for the development of brazing filler metals and brazing technology in the aerospace field, in order to provide reference and guidance for improving the application value of brazing technology in the aerospace field.
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