Research Progress of Nickel-based Superalloys for 3D Printing
Received:June 11, 2024  
中文关键词: 高温合金  3D打印  粉末制备  组织  性能
英文关键词: superalloy  3D printing  powder preparation  microstructure  properties
Author NameAffiliation
CAO Yifan School of Materials Science and Engineering, Shanghai 200240, China 
WANG Rui School of Materials Science and Engineering, Shanghai 200240, China 
SUN Baode School of Materials Science and Engineering, Shanghai 200240, China
Shanghai Key Laboratory of Advanced High Temperature Materials and Precision Forming, Shanghai 200240, China 
LI Sitong School of Materials Science and Engineering, Shanghai 200240, China 
TAN Qingbiao School of Materials Science and Engineering, Shanghai 200240, China 
HE Jian School of Materials Science and Engineering, Shanghai 200240, China 
KONG Decheng School of Materials Science and Engineering, Shanghai 200240, China 
ZHU Guoliang School of Materials Science and Engineering, Shanghai 200240, China
Shanghai Key Laboratory of Advanced High Temperature Materials and Precision Forming, Shanghai 200240, China 
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      Metal 3D printing technology, which can manufacture components with complex geometric shapes based on three-dimensional models and realize structures that cannot be achieved by traditional manufacturing methods, has become an important technology for the forming of complex high-temperature alloy components. However, during the process of nickel-based superalloy components by 3D printing, there is an interaction of raw materials/energy sources/melt pool, and the process involves non-equilibrium solidification under large temperature gradients and extremely fast cooling conditions. These special processes determine the heterogeneous microstructure and anisotropic mechanical properties of 3D printed nickel-based superalloys. At this stage, the lack of understanding of the microstructure, properties, and mechanical properties of additive manufactured nickel-based superalloys has severely limited its wide application in the industrial field. In this work, the characteristics of 3D printed nickel-based superalloys were discussed. The effect of powder raw material characteristics such as powder preparation method, particle size ratio, composition, defects, and fluidity on the metallurgical quality of 3D printed nickel-based superalloys was summarized. The effect of process parameters such as laser energy, scanning speed, and scanning spacing on the microstructure characteristics of nickel-based superalloys such as grains, precipitates, and segregation was sorted out. The factors affecting the tensile, creep and fatigue properties of 3D printed nickel-based superalloys were discussed. Finally, the problems and possible countermeasures faced in 3D printed nickel-based superalloys investigation were summarized, and some directions worth exploring were proposed.
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