Creep Aging Behavior of 2219 Aluminum Alloy Friction Stir Welding Joints
Received:June 07, 2024  
中文关键词: 2219铝合金  搅拌摩擦焊  蠕变时效  力学性能  微观组织
英文关键词: 2219 aluminum alloy  friction stir welding  creep aging  mechanical properties  microstructure
Author NameAffiliation
ZHAN Lihua Research Institute of Light Alloy,Changsha 410083, China b
State Key Laboratory of Precision Manufacturing for Extreme Service Performance, Central South University, Changsha 410083, China 
ZHU Xilin Research Institute of Light Alloy,Changsha 410083, China b 
YANG Youliang Research Institute of Light Alloy,Changsha 410083, China b
State Key Laboratory of Precision Manufacturing for Extreme Service Performance, Central South University, Changsha 410083, China 
TANG Zhimao Research Institute of Light Alloy,Changsha 410083, China b 
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      目的 研究2219铝合金搅拌摩擦焊接头的蠕变变形行为、力学性能及其微观组织演变规律,探明焊接态铝合金材料的蠕变变形与强化机制,为超大型高筋薄壁构件板坯搅拌摩擦拼焊+蠕变时效形性一体化制造提供理论与技术支撑。方法 通过蠕变时效实验和室温性能测试,研究了有焊缝和无焊缝材料的蠕变时效行为与力学性能演变,结合应力指数、激活能计算和透射电镜表征,分析了焊缝对2219铝合金蠕变时效特性的影响。结果 与母材相比,有焊缝铝合金整体蠕变量更低,但前期短时蠕变速率高而后期长时变形速率低,变形机制由母材的扩散蠕变转为位错攀移;有焊缝材料蠕变时效后抗拉强度增加量相对更少,屈服强度增加量基本相同,表现为加工硬化能力降低。同时,焊核区晶粒细小、晶内析出大量弥散的GPⅡ区、θʹʹ和θʹ相,且晶界附近出现无沉淀析出带,热影响区和热机影响区析出相长大,但热机影响区析出相开始出现粗化。结论 在蠕变时效过程中,搅拌摩擦焊后的2219铝合金复杂的微观组织演变会提高材料的蠕变变形和强度提升敏感性,上述发现为优化搅拌摩擦焊与蠕变时效成形工艺参数匹配提供了基础。
      The work aims to study the creep deformation behavior, mechanical properties and microstructure evolution of 2219 aluminum alloy friction stir welding joints, and to clarify the mechanisms of deformation and strengthening of welded aluminum alloy materials, so as to provide theoretical and technological support for the integrated fabrication of ultra-large thin-walled components friction stir welding+creep aging forming. The creep aging behavior and mechanical properties evolution of welded and unwelded materials were studied through creep aging experiments and room-temperature tensile tests, Combined with calculation of stress exponent and activation energy and characterization by transmission electron microscopy, the effect of welds on creep aging properties was analyzed. Relative to the base material, the welded aluminum alloy had smaller total creep deformation, but higher creep rate in the initial short-term stage and lower creep rate for the later long-term stage. The deformation mechanism changed from diffusion creep to dislocation climbing. The improvement in tensile strength of the welded material after creep aging was relatively less, but the yield strength increase was basically the same, indicating a reduction in the work hardening capacity. At the same time, the nugget zone had very fine grain, with complex precipitation of GP Ⅱ, θʹʹ and θʹ phases, as well as wide precipitation free zone. The precipitates in heat-affected zone and thermomechanical affected zone continued to grow, but precipitates in thermomechanical affected zone began to appear coarse. The complex microstructure evolution of friction-stir-welded 2219 aluminum alloy during creep aging will increase the sensitivity of creep deformation and strength enhancement, and these findings can provide a basis for optimizing the matching of process parameters between friction stir welding and creep aging forming.
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