Research Progress on the Effect of Alloying Elements on the Hardness of Laser Cladded High Entropy Alloy Coatings
Received:December 18, 2023  
中文关键词: 激光熔覆  高熵合金  硬度  影响机理  金属元素  非金属元素
英文关键词: laser cladding  high entropy alloy  hardness  effect mechanism  metal elements  non-metal elements
Author NameAffiliation
LIN Tianxiang School of Mechanical and Automotive Engineering, Fujian University of Technology, Fuzhou 350118, China 
FENG Meiyan School of Mechanical and Automotive Engineering, Fujian University of Technology, Fuzhou 350118, China 
LIAN Guofu School of Mechanical and Automotive Engineering, Fujian University of Technology, Fuzhou 350118, China 
CHEN Changrong School of Mechanical and Automotive Engineering, Fujian University of Technology, Fuzhou 350118, China 
LAN Ruqing School of Mechanical and Automotive Engineering, Fujian University of Technology, Fuzhou 350118, China 
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      Laser cladding technology uses high energy density laser as the energy source of the process, which can modify and repair the surface of the workpiece, significantly improve the mechanical properties of the matrix surface, and effectively extend the life cycle of the product. Laser cladding is one of the typical processes for the preparation of high entropy alloys. By using this technology and adding appropriate alloying elements, high entropy alloy coatings with excellent properties can be prepared. In order to clearly clarify the mechanism of enhancing the hardness of laser cladded high entropy alloy coatings after addition of elements, the current research status of hardness properties of high entropy alloy coatings prepared by adding common elements in laser cladding process in China and abroad is reviewed firstly. Among them, high entropy alloy has special "four effects", which can promote intermetallic compounds. Its internal microstructure is generally FCC, BCC or HCP solid solution phase. It is usually strengthened by solution strengthening, precipitation strengthening and dispersion strengthening, and the laser cladding method allows the high entropy alloy coating to cool rapidly, thus significantly improving the mechanical properties of the alloy. Secondly, the mechanism of metal and non-metal elements on the hardness strengthening of high entropy alloy coating prepared by laser cladding is analyzed, and the effect of addition of alloy elements on the hardness of high entropy alloy coating is summarized. Finally, in order to improve the hardness properties of high entropy alloy coating prepared by laser cladding, the effective method is summarized and its future development is prospected. The research results reveal the theoretical fundamentals for strengthening the hardness of laser cladded high entropy alloy coatings, and provide a theoretical basis for the further development of this field.
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