Machining Process of Thin-walled Circular Ring Parts Based on Finite Element Analysis
Received:January 24, 2024  
中文关键词: 薄壁圆环零件  加工  变形  夹具  有限元分析
英文关键词: thin walled circular ring parts  processing  deformation  fixture  finite element analysis
Author NameAffiliation
LU Chunhui Beijing Aerospace Xinli Technology Co., Ltd., Beijing 100039, China 
WEI Yanrui Beijing Aerospace Xinli Technology Co., Ltd., Beijing 100039, China 
DUAN Xinmei Beijing Aerospace Xinli Technology Co., Ltd., Beijing 100039, China 
WANG Liping Beijing Aerospace Xinli Technology Co., Ltd., Beijing 100039, China 
LI Song Beijing Aerospace Xinli Technology Co., Ltd., Beijing 100039, China 
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      目的 针对薄壁圆环零件刚性差、强度弱、加工过程中易发生受力变形的难题,基于薄壁圆环零件加工成形工艺,优化零件的加工工艺和装夹方式。方法 考虑到工艺对零件加工质量的影响,对零件的加工方法和装夹方式进行研究,提出一种新的加工工装,运用ANSYS软件对零件装夹受力情况和振动变形进行有限元模拟仿真分析。结果 该工装不仅能够防止零件发生应力集中,还提升了零件加工精度和表面质量,工装设计为一夹一顶方式,只需调整顶尖压紧力便可确保圆环件在加工中不会发生变形,同时拆装方便,提高了生产效率。结论 对于薄壁圆环件的数控加工,可通过科学设计零件加工工艺流程和装夹工装,解决零件受力变形问题,保证薄壁圆环零件的尺寸、形位公差和表面粗糙度符合要求,提高了生产加工效率,满足产品批量生产使用要求,为类似薄壁件的加工提供了参考。
      The work aims to address the challenges of poor rigidity, weak strength, and easy deformation during the machining process of thin-walled circular ring parts and optimize the machining process and clamping methods of the parts based on the machining process of thin-walled circular ring parts. Considering the influence of processes on the machining quality of parts, the machining methods and clamping methods of parts were studied, and a new machining fixture was proposed. ANSYS software was used to conduct finite element simulation and analysis of the clamping force and vibration deformation of parts. As a result, this fixture could not only prevent stress concentration in the parts, but also improve the machining accuracy and surface quality of the parts. The fixture was designed in a one clamp and one top mode, and only the top clamping force needed to be adjusted to ensure that the circular ring parts would not deform during processing. At the same time, it was easy to disassemble and the production efficiency was improved. In conclusion, for the CNC machining of thin-walled circular ring parts, the problem of stress deformation of parts can be solved by scientifically designing the machining process and clamping fixtures, ensuring that the dimensions, positional tolerances, and surface roughness of thin-walled circular ring parts meet the requirements, improving production and processing efficiency, and meeting the requirements for mass production of products. This provides a reference for the machining of similar thin-walled parts.
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