Burnishing Process and Control of Surface Forming Accuracy of 6061 Aluminum Alloy Cylinder
Received:January 09, 2024  
中文关键词: 滚压成形  表面强化  Hertz理论  工艺参数  成形精度
英文关键词: burnishing forming  surface hardening  Hertz theory  process parameters  forming accuracy
Author NameAffiliation
ZHONG Bin School of Mechanical Engineering, Xi'an University of Science and Technology, Xi'an 710054, China 
YE Zhenhao School of Mechanical Engineering, Xi'an University of Science and Technology, Xi'an 710054, China 
YU Zhengyang School of Mechanical Engineering, Xi'an University of Science and Technology, Xi'an 710054, China 
WANG Pan School of Mechanical Engineering, Xi'an University of Science and Technology, Xi'an 710054, China 
LI Fei School of Mechanical Engineering, Xi'an University of Science and Technology, Xi'an 710054, China 
XIAO Li School of Mechanical Engineering, Xi'an University of Science and Technology, Xi'an 710054, China 
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      目的 针对6061铝合金棒滚压成形工艺,研究不同滚压工艺参数对影响表面成形精度的接触深度与回弹量的影响规律。方法 基于弹塑性理论,通过耦合滚压力、滚压球半径、工件半径等关键工艺参数,建立修正Hertz接触预测数学模型,结合有限元数值模拟方法对接触深度与回弹量进行分析,并利用由滚压成形实验得到的塑性变形深度验证所构建预测数学模型的准确性。结果 当滚压力为400、500、600 N时,塑性滚压深度为33.99、44.32、52.78 μm;滚压速度的变化对塑性滚压深度的影响不大,当滚压速度从500 r/min增至700 r/min时,塑性滚压深度变化不足2 μm。理论分析结果与仿真结果及实验结果的误差分别为11.1%及10.9%,验证了修正Hertz接触数学模型的准确性。结论 滚压力的变化直接导致塑性滚压深度变化且塑性滚压深度与滚压力呈线性关系,滚压速度的增大对材料塑性滚压深度的影响甚小。通过修正后的Hertz接触预测数学模型能有效预测6061铝合金棒被滚压后的表面成形精度,且滚压力是影响6061铝合金棒成形精度的主要因素。
      The work aims to explore the impact laws of different burnishing process parameters on the contact depth and springback affecting the surface forming accuracy of 6061 aluminum alloy cylinder in burnishing. Based on the theory of elastic-plastic deformation, a modified Hertz contact predictive mathematical model was established by coupling key process parameters such as burnishing force, burnishing ball radius, and workpiece radius. Finite element numerical simulation methods were used to analyze the contact depth and springback. The accuracy of the constructed predictive mathematical model was validated by plastic deformation depth values obtained from burnishing experiments. At burnishing force of 400, 500, and 600 N, the plastic burnishing depth was 33.99, 44.32, and 52.78 μm, respectively. The variation in burnishing speed had minimal impact on the plastic burnishing depth, with a change of less than 2 μm when the burnishing speed increased from 500 r/min to 700 r/min. The error between theoretical analysis results and simulation/experimental results was 11.1% and 10.9%, confirming the accuracy of the modified Hertz contact mathematical model. Changes in burnishing force directly lead to variations in plastic burnishing depth, and there is a linear relationship between plastic burnishing depth and burnishing force. The increase in burnishing speed has a negligible effect on the plastic burnishing depth. The modified Hertz contact predictive mathematical model effectively predicts the surface forming accuracy of 6061 aluminum alloy cylinders after burnishing, with burnishing force being the primary factor affecting the forming accuracy.
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