Frictional Wear Properties of Laser Surface Modified Titanium Alloys
Received:May 23, 2023  
中文关键词: 皮秒激光  β钛合金  表面改性  表面纳米结构  摩擦磨损性能
英文关键词: picosecond laser  β-titanium alloy  surface modification  surface nanostructure  frictional wear properties
Author NameAffiliation
WANG Tianyu School of Materials Science and Engineering, Shanghai University of Engineering Science, Shanghai 201620, China 
SUN Hongfei School of Materials Science and Engineering, Shanghai University of Engineering Science, Shanghai 201620, China 
LI Jiuxiao School of Materials Science and Engineering, Shanghai University of Engineering Science, Shanghai 201620, China 
YANG Dongye School of Materials Science and Engineering, Shanghai University of Engineering Science, Shanghai 201620, China 
WU Wenhai School of Materials Science and Engineering, Shanghai University of Engineering Science, Shanghai 201620, China 
YUAN Ziwen School of Materials Science and Engineering, Shanghai University of Engineering Science, Shanghai 201620, China 
ZHAO Hai School of Materials Science and Engineering, Shanghai University of Engineering Science, Shanghai 201620, China 
ZHANG Zhuo School of Materials Science and Engineering, Shanghai University of Engineering Science, Shanghai 201620, China 
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      目的 研究皮秒激光表面处理对Ti-13Nb-13Zr β钛合金表面形貌以及硬度和摩擦磨损性能的影响规律。方法 采用皮秒激光对β钛合金进行表面改性,利用扫描电镜观察皮秒激光加工后样品的表面形貌,并对基体和皮秒激光加工后的样品进行摩擦磨损对比试验。结果 当皮秒激光扫描速度为50 mm/s、激光功率分别为0.5 W和5 W时,在β钛合金表面生成了周期为500 nm和830 nm的纳米条纹结构,β钛合金基体的平均摩擦因数为0.70,经皮秒激光加工后样品的平均摩擦因数为0.26,比β钛合金基体的下降了62.8%。β钛合金基体的摩擦磨损失重为0.003 2 g,磨损率为1.01×106,皮秒激光加工后样品的摩擦磨损失重为0.001 3 g,磨损率为4.10×107。结论 在β钛合金皮秒激光表面改性过程中,当激光能量相同时,低扫描速度使激光热量可以长时间聚集和扩散,当扫描速度相同时,高激光能量对材料表面烧蚀的程度较大。在样品表面制备出了周期性纳米条纹结构,与基材相比,周期性纳米条纹结构与摩擦球的接触面积明显减小,同时犁沟效应有所降低,样品表面摩擦磨损性能显著提升,表明激光诱导周期性纳米条纹结构在改善材料摩擦学性能领域有极大的应用潜力。
      The work aims to investigate the effects of picosecond laser surface treatment on the surface morphology, hardness and frictional wear properties of Ti-13Nb-13Zr β titanium alloy. β-titanium alloy was treated by picosecond laser for surface modification. The surface morphology of the sample was observed with a scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The matrix and the sample after picosecond laser treatment were subject to frictional wear experiments. When the scanning speed was 50 mm/s and the laser power was 0.5 W and 5 W, the period of nanofringes on the surface of β-titanium alloy was 500 nm and 830 nm respectively. The average friction coefficient of β-titanium alloy before and after picosecond laser treatment was 0.70 and 0.26. Compared with β-Ti alloy matrix, the average friction coefficient of the sample treated by picosecond laser decreased by 62.8%. The weight loss of β titanium alloy matrix was 0.003 2 g and the wear rate was 1.01×10−6. The weight loss of β titanium alloy treated by picosecond laser was 0.001 3 g and the wear rate was 4.10×10−7. In surface modification of β-titanium alloy by picosecond laser, at the same laser energy conditions, low scanning speed can make the laser heat and concentrated and diffused for a long time. At the same scanning speed, high laser energy has a greater degree of ablation on the material surface. The periodic nanofringe structure prepared on the surface of the sample significantly reduces the contact area with the friction ball and reduces the furrow effect. The frictional wear properties of the sample surface are significantly improved, indicating that the laser induced periodic nanofringe structure has great application potential in improving the tribological properties of materials.
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