Stamping Forming and Springback of 5 Series Aluminum Alloy Door Inner Panel
Received:July 24, 2023  
中文关键词: 铝合金整体式车门内板  CAE数值仿真分析  成形性分析  回弹分析  回弹补偿
英文关键词: aluminum alloy integrated door inner panel  CAE numerical simulation analysis  formability analysis  springback analysis  springback compensation
Author NameAffiliation
CHEN Jun Chongqing SERES New Energy Automobile Design Institute Co., Ltd., Chongqing 401335, China 
ZHANG Yu-cheng Chongqing SERES New Energy Automobile Design Institute Co., Ltd., Chongqing 401335, China 
WANG Bo Chongqing SERES New Energy Automobile Design Institute Co., Ltd., Chongqing 401335, China 
GAN Gui-sheng College of Materials Science and Engineering, Chongqing University of Technology, Chongqing 401135, China 
PENG Bo Chongqing SERES New Energy Automobile Design Institute Co., Ltd., Chongqing 401335, China 
ZHENG Xue-yong Chongqing SERES New Energy Automobile Design Institute Co., Ltd., Chongqing 401335, China 
MA Xiang SINTEF Industry, Oslo 0314, Norway 
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      目的 在整体式车门内板上应用质量较轻的5系铝合金材质以达到新能源汽车的轻量化要求。方法 在工艺设计阶段,采用AutoForm数值分析软件及CAE数值仿真分析技术预测零件的成形难点及回弹趋势;分析整体式车门内板的深度,并提出几种改善零件成形性的方案;根据回弹结果对模具型面进行回弹补偿;对模具加工、调试等重要环节进行深度管控。结果 成功解决了零件9个区域的成形问题。对已量产的铝合金整体式车门内板深度进行了对标分析,提出了将零件的深度由171 mm降低至156 mm的方案,经CAE分析验证,铝合金整体式车门内板的合理深度参考值为150 mm。对钢、铝材质的理论回弹值进行了对比分析,计算出铝合金的回弹值为低碳钢回弹值的2.6倍。结论 通过对该门内板整个开发环节进行管控,形成了一套铝合金车门内板成形、回弹控制的模具开发体系;用首样件验证了整套开发方案的正确性,成功保障了该铝合金整体式车门内板的开发。
      The work aims to make the integrated door inner panel with lightweight 5-series aluminum alloy material to meet the lightweight requirements of new energy vehicles. AutoForm numerical analysis software and CAE numerical simulation analysis technology were used to predict the forming difficulties and rebound trends of the parts in the process design stage. The depth of the integrated door inner panel was analyzed, and several plans to improve the formability of the parts were proposed. Rebound compensation was carried out on the mold surface based on the rebound results. Important links such as mold processing and debugging were controlled deeply. The forming problem in 9 areas of the part was solved successfully after analyzing and verifying. The depth of the aluminum alloy monolithic door inner panel that has been mass-produced was benchmarked, and a plan to reduce the depth of parts from 171 mm to 156 mm was proposed. The reasonable depth reference value of the aluminum alloy integrated door inner panel was 150 mm after CAE analysis and verification. The theoretical rebound value of steel and aluminum was compared and analyzed, and the rebound value of aluminum alloy was calculated to be 2.6 times that of low carbon steel. A mold development system for forming and rebound controlling is formed by controlling the entire development process of the door inner panel. The correctness of the entire development plan is verified with the first sample. It ensures the development of the aluminum alloy integrated door inner panel successfully.
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