Research Status of Particle Interface Modification Technology for Silicon Carbide Particle Reinforced Aluminum Matrix Composites
Received:September 03, 2023  
中文关键词: 碳化硅颗粒  表面改性  复合材料  模拟  界面
英文关键词: SiCp  surface modification  composite material  simulation  interface
Author NameAffiliation
GAN Guo-qiang School of Materials Science and Engineering, Hefei University of Technology, Hefei 230009, China 
HAN Zhen Ningbo Branch of China Academy of Ordnance Science, Zhejiang Ningbo 315000, China 
BAO Jian-hua School of Materials Science and Engineering, Hefei University of Technology, Hefei 230009, China 
WOLFGANG Pantleon Technical University of Denmark, Copenhagen 2800, Denmark 
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      SiC particle reinforced aluminum matrix composites are widely used in aerospace, electronics, medical and other fields due to their excellent properties such as high specific strength, high specific stiffness, high wear resistance, and high temperature stability. However, due to the high melting point and high hardness of SiC particles, as well as the interface reaction between silicon carbide reinforced particles and aluminum matrix, SiC aluminum matrix composites have problems such as poor processability and insufficient interfacial adhesion. It is no longer possible to meet the requirements for material performance in fields such as national defense and aerospace. Therefore, studying the ways to improve the interface between particles and matrix is of great scientific significance for improving the comprehensive performance of composite materials. In combination with existing research results at home and abroad, the interface strengthening mechanism, interface reaction characteristics, existing surface modification technology principles and numerical simulation development status of SiC reinforced particles and aluminum matrix composites were summarized. The results showed that the performance improvement of reinforced particle aluminum matrix composites after strengthening was limited after being treated with a single surface modification method. Therefore, how to adopt new methods to improve the performance of composite materials will become a hot research topic in the future, and the design of composite materials based on finite element numerical simulation methods is also an inevitable trend. Finally, in response to the limited improvement of single strengthening performance, the author proposes a flexible particle multimodal strengthening method based on surface modification, and looks forward to future research directions in response to existing technical difficulties, hoping to provide theoretical reference for the preparation of particle reinforced composite materials.
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