高加热速度下温度对45#钢再结晶和晶界特征的影响 |
Effect of Temperature on Recrystallization and Grain Boundary Characteristics of 45# Steel at High Heating Rate |
Received:July 11, 2023 |
DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1674-6457.2023.011.018 |
中文关键词: 高加热速度 退火温度 45#钢 再结晶 晶界特征 |
英文关键词: high heating rate annealing temperature 45# steel recrystallization grain boundary characteristics |
基金项目:国家自然科学基金(52265049);甘肃省高等学校产业支撑计划(2022CYZC-26);兰州理工大学红柳优秀青年支持计划(CGZH001) |
Author Name | Affiliation | JIA Zhi | School of Materials Science and Engineering,State Key Laboratory of Advanced Processing and Recycling of Nonferrous Metals, Lanzhou University of Technology, Lanzhou 730050, China | WANG Tong | School of Materials Science and Engineering,State Key Laboratory of Advanced Processing and Recycling of Nonferrous Metals, Lanzhou University of Technology, Lanzhou 730050, China | ZHAO Xiao-long | Carbon Steel Sheet Plant, Jiu Steel Group Hongxing Iron & Steel Co., Ltd., Gansu Jiayuguan 735100, China | LUO Xiao-yang | Carbon Steel Sheet Plant, Jiu Steel Group Hongxing Iron & Steel Co., Ltd., Gansu Jiayuguan 735100, China | WANG Hui-fang | School of Materials Science and Engineering,State Key Laboratory of Advanced Processing and Recycling of Nonferrous Metals, Lanzhou University of Technology, Lanzhou 730050, China | ZHANG Peng-fei | School of Materials Science and Engineering,State Key Laboratory of Advanced Processing and Recycling of Nonferrous Metals, Lanzhou University of Technology, Lanzhou 730050, China | WANG Yan-jiang | School of Materials Science and Engineering,State Key Laboratory of Advanced Processing and Recycling of Nonferrous Metals, Lanzhou University of Technology, Lanzhou 730050, China |
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中文摘要: |
目的 针对45#钢的再结晶行为受退火工艺的影响较大这一问题,研究了2种加热速度下不同退火温度对45#钢再结晶行为、再结晶形核长大机制以及晶界特征分布的影响规律。方法 采用箱式电阻炉模拟罩式退火实验,分别以2 ℃/s和0.08 ℃/s的加热速度将试样加热到不同温度(660 ℃、720 ℃)并保温30 min,利用电子背散射衍射(EBSD)研究退火后45#钢的再结晶行为和晶界特征。结果 与0.08 ℃/s加热速度相比,当加热速度为2 ℃/s时,试样的晶粒细小,再结晶温度较高。在高加热速度下,随着退火温度的升高,再结晶体积分数增大,一些小角度晶界转变为大角度晶界,促进了再结晶过程。再结晶晶粒通过亚晶合并形核并呈等轴状分布,亚晶粒通过相互吞并的方式生长,导致亚晶粒减少,几何必要位错密度增大。在2种加热速度下,720 ℃时(Σ9+Σ27)/Σ3的比值大于660 ℃时的比值,且在720 ℃下低ΣCSL晶界更高,更有利于45#钢中晶界团簇形成,晶界特征分布更优。结论 与慢速加热相比,在高加热速度下退火会提高生产率,改善材料的微观结构,这主要通过晶粒细化来实现。 |
英文摘要: |
The work aims to study the effect of different annealing temperature under two heating rates on the recrystallization behavior, recrystallization nucleation and growth mechanisms, and grain boundary characteristic distribution of 45# steel, so as to solve the problem that the recrystallization behavior of 45# steel is greatly influenced by the annealing process. The specimens were heated to different temperature (660 ℃ and 720 ℃) at 2 ℃/s and 0.08 ℃/s for 30 min by simulated hood annealing experiments in a box-type resistance furnace and the recrystallization behavior and grain boundary characteristics of the annealed 45# steel were investigated by the electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD) method. Compared to the heating rate of 0.08 ℃/s, the grain size of the specimen was fine and the recrystallization temperature was increased when the heating rate was 2 ℃/s. At a high heating rate, with the increase of annealing temperature, the recrystallization volume fraction increased and some small-angle grain boundaries transformed into large-angle grain boundaries, thereby promoting the recrystallization process. Recrystallized grains nucleated and grew through the merging of subgrains, exhibiting an equiaxed distribution. Subgrains grew by mutual engulfment, leading to a reduction in subgrains and an increase in geometrically necessary dislocation density. At two heating rates, the ratio of (Σ9+Σ27)/Σ3 at 720 ℃ was higher than that at 660 ℃, and the grain boundary at low ΣCSL is higher at 720 ℃, which was more conducive to the formation of grain boundary clusters and better grain boundary characteristic distribution in 45# steel. Therefore, compared with that at slow heating rate, the annealing at high heating rate can increase productivity and improve the microstructure of materials by grain refinement. |
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