Optimization of Squeeze Casting Process Parameters for ADC12 Aluminum Alloy Automobile Support with Complex Structure
Received:May 16, 2023  
中文关键词: ADC12铝合金  挤压铸造  数值模拟  局部加压  铸造缺陷
英文关键词: ADC12 aluminum alloy  squeeze casting  numerical simulation  local pressurization  casting defect
Author NameAffiliation
PIAO Jun-jie School of Materials Science and Chemical Engineering,Harbin 150080, China 
JIANG Bo School of Materials Science and Chemical Engineering,Harbin 150080, China
Key Laboratory of Advanced Manufacturing Intelligent Technology of Ministry of Education, Harbin University of Science and Technology, Harbin 150080, China 
HU Mao-liang School of Materials Science and Chemical Engineering,Harbin 150080, China 
WANG Ye School of Materials Science and Chemical Engineering,Harbin 150080, China 
JI Ze-sheng School of Materials Science and Chemical Engineering,Harbin 150080, China
Harbin Jixing Mechanical Engineering Co., Ltd., Harbin 150060, China 
SUGIYAMA Sumio Institute of Industrial Science, University of Tokyo, Tokyo 153-8505, Japan 
XU Hong-yu School of Materials Science and Chemical Engineering,Harbin 150080, China 
WANG Yun-long Harbin Jixing Mechanical Engineering Co., Ltd., Harbin 150060, China 
ZHANG Yong-bing Harbin Jixing Mechanical Engineering Co., Ltd., Harbin 150060, China 
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      目的 解决ADC12铝合金汽车发动机支架在挤压铸造成形工艺下的缺陷问题。方法 利用ProCAST模拟软件对该汽车发动机支架的挤压铸造充型和凝固过程进行模拟,对挤压铸造工艺参数进行正交试验设计并模拟得到最佳工艺参数,对铸件浇注远端厚壁部位采取局部加压优化措施,并对厚壁部位进行X-Ray探伤,观察铸件的缺陷情况。结果 对挤压铸造的工艺参数进行正交试验极差分析后,发现各工艺参数按对铸件凝固后质量的影响程度从大到小的顺序依次为挤压比压、浇注温度、模具温度。通过正交试验得到优化后的工艺参数为浇注温度730 ℃、模具温度300 ℃、挤压比压150 MPa。局部加压时挤压销的最佳激活时间为4 s,此时可以完全消除铸件内部的缩孔缩松缺陷。选择优化后的工艺参数生产该汽车发动机支架,产品外观完整,没有出现表面裂纹等缺陷。在X-Ray探伤下无明显缺陷,内部质量良好。结论 选择合理的浇注温度、模具温度和挤压比压可以有效减少铸件内部的缩孔缩松缺陷,采用局部加压并合理控制挤压销的激活时间可以完全消除缩孔缩松缺陷。
      The work aims to solve the defects of ADC12 aluminum alloy automobile engine supports in squeeze casting. ProCAST software was used to simulate the filling and solidification process of the automobile engine supports during squeeze casting. Orthogonal experiments were designed to obtain the optimal process parameters. Local pressurization optimization measure was taken for the thick-walled area at the far end of the casting pouring process, and X-ray inspection was performed on the thick-walled area to observe the defects of the casting. The results showed that after conducting orthogonal experimental range analysis on the process parameters of squeeze casting, it was found that the degree of influence of each process parameter on the quality of the casting after solidification was in descending order:squeeze pressure, pouring temperature, and mold temperature. The optimized results obtained through orthogonal experiment were pouring temperature of 730 ℃, mold temperature of 300 ℃, and squeeze pressure of 150 MPa. The optimal activation time for squeezing the pin under local pressurization was 4 s, which could completely eliminate the shrinkage and porosity defects inside the casting. The automobile engine support produced according to the optimized process parameters had a complete appearance without surface cracks and other defects. There were no obvious defects under X-Ray inspection, and the internal quality was good. In conclusion, choosing a reasonable pouring temperature, mold temperature, and squeeze pressure can effectively reduce internal shrinkage defects in castings. By using local pressurization and controlling the activation time of the squeeze pin reasonably, shrinkage defects can be completely eliminated.
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