Low-speed Impact Performance of Closed-cell Al-Cu Foams Filled Thin-walled Aluminum Alloy Tubes
Received:July 04, 2023  
中文关键词: 泡沫铝填充管  闭孔泡沫Al-Cu  落锤冲击  吸能特性  交互作用
英文关键词: aluminum foam-filled tubes  closed-cell Al-Cu foams  drop weight impact  energy-absorbing properties  interaction
Author NameAffiliation
ZHANG Ye Sino-European Institute of Aviation Engineering,Tianjin 300300, China 
WANG Si-ran Sino-European Institute of Aviation Engineering,Tianjin 300300, China 
FENG Xiao-lin Sino-European Institute of Aviation Engineering,Tianjin 300300, China 
ZOU Tian-chun School of Safety Science and Engineering, Civil Aviation University of China, Tianjin 300300, China 
YANG Xu-dong Sino-European Institute of Aviation Engineering,Tianjin 300300, China 
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      目的 研究闭孔泡沫Al-Cu填充铝合金薄壁管在低速冲击载荷下的力学及吸能性能,探究泡沫Al-Cu与铝合金薄壁管之间的交互作用。方法 采用粉末冶金发泡法制备闭孔泡沫Al-Cu,并将其直接填充到铝合金薄壁管中,获得闭孔泡沫Al-Cu填充薄壁管(简称“填充管”)。采用万能电子试验机和冲击试验机对试样进行力学及吸能性能测试,采用VIC-3D系统和高速摄像机观察试样的宏观变形行为,采用扫描电子显微镜(SEM)分析试样的微观断口形貌。结果 在不同冲击能量下,泡沫Al-Cu具有较稳定的吸能特性。在相同位移下,较大冲击能量下的填充管能够吸收更多能量。与薄壁管相比,受冲击后填充管的形变较小且其冲击曲线更加平稳,表明泡沫Al-Cu芯材的填入能够增强变形稳定性及整体吸能能力。与泡沫Al-Cu相比,填充管受应变率影响较小,可在较宽应变率范围内稳定吸能,较高应变率下的冲击会导致泡孔发生脆性断裂。结论 填充泡沫Al-Cu芯材能够提高薄壁管受冲击载荷时的变形稳定性,两者之间的相互作用使填充管结构具有更好的吸能性能。
      The work aims to study the mechanical and energy-absorbing properties of closed-cell Al-Cu foams filled thin-walled aluminum alloy tubes under low-speed impact load, and to investigate the interaction between Al-Cu foams and aluminum alloy thin-walled tubes. The closed-cell Al-Cu foams were prepared by powder metallurgical foaming method and filled directly into the thin-walled aluminum alloy tube to obtain the closed-cell Al-Cu foams filled thin-walled tube (referred to as “foam-filled tube”). Electronic universal testing machine and impact testing machine were used to test the mechanical and energy-absorbing properties of the specimens, and the macroscopic deformation behavior of the specimens were observed by VIC-3D system and high-speed camera, and the microscopic fracture morphology of the specimens were analyzed by scanning electron microscope (SEM). The Al-Cu foams had a more stable energy-absorbing properties under different impact energies, but the foam-filled tube absorbed more energy under the same displacement with larger impact energy. Compared with the thin-walled tube, the foam-filled tube had less deformation and had a smoother impact curve after impact, indicating that the filling of the Al-Cu foams increased the stability of deformation and the overall energy-absorbing properties. Compared with Al-Cu foams, the structure of foam-filled tube was less affected by strain rate and could absorb energy stably over a relatively wide range of strain rates and higher strain rate impact could lead to brittle rupture of the cells. The filling of the Al-Cu foams core improves the deformation stability of the thin-walled tube under impact load, and the interaction between the two makes the foam-filled tube structure have better energy-absorbing properties.
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