Microstructure Evolution of ODS Steel Prepared by Vacuum Consumable Melting Method with Built-in Precursor Powder
Received:August 09, 2023  
中文关键词: 氧化物弥散强化钢  真空自耗熔炼  前驱粉  热处理  微观组织
英文关键词: oxide dispersion strengthened steel  vacuum consumable melting  precursor powder  heat treatment  microstructure
Author NameAffiliation
ZHANG Xiao-yue Center for Advanced Solidification Technology CAST, School of Materials Science and Engineering, College of Sciences, Shanghai University, Shanghai 200444, China 
HOU Chen-yang Center for Advanced Solidification Technology CAST, School of Materials Science and Engineering, College of Sciences, Shanghai University, Shanghai 200444, China 
MAO Xiao-dong Center for Advanced Solidification Technology CAST, School of Materials Science and Engineering, College of Sciences, Shanghai University, Shanghai 200444, China 
SHEN Chu-lun Center for Advanced Solidification Technology CAST, School of Materials Science and Engineering, College of Sciences, Shanghai University, Shanghai 200444, China 
ZHANG Yuan-xiang State Key Laboratory of Technology and Automation, Northeastern University, Shenyang 110819, China 
ZHAO Yan-yun College of Nuclear Equipment and Nuclear Engineering, Yantai University, Shandong Yantai 264005, China 
SONG Chang-jiang Center for Advanced Solidification Technology CAST, School of Materials Science and Engineering, College of Sciences, Shanghai University, Shanghai 200444, China 
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      目的 探究内置前驱粉体真空自耗熔炼法制备ODS钢的可行性。方法 采用内置前驱粉体真空自耗熔炼法制备10 kg的ODS钢铸锭,对铸锭进行轧制及热处理,使用扫描电子显微镜和透射电子显微镜等手段研究铸锭组织特别是析出物的演变情况。结果 通过内置前驱粉体真空自耗熔炼法成功引入了过饱和氧化物粉体,热轧薄板中含有微米级的富Y氧化物和富Ti氧化物,且颗粒分布均匀,没有任何宏观或微观聚集现象。常规固溶热处理(1 200 ℃)和电流固溶热处理(1 000 ℃)均可减小热轧薄板中氧化物的尺寸,且经冷轧(压下量为80%)+1 000 ℃-10 min电流固溶热处理后,热轧薄板中的氧化物颗粒尺寸最小,富Ti和富Y的Y-Ti-O颗粒平均尺寸分别降至0.75 μm和0.17 μm。对薄板进行800 ℃-3 h的时效处理后,观察到纳米量级的Y-Ti-O复合氧化物析出,尺寸为20~200 nm。结论 内置前驱粉体真空自耗熔炼法成功将粉体引入铸锭中,轧制及热处理工艺能够显著细化氧化物颗粒并析出纳米量级的氧化物。
      The work aims to explore the feasibility of preparing ODS steel by vacuum consumable melting method with built-in precursor powder. The 10 kg ODS steel ingot was prepared by vacuum consumable melting method with built-in precursor powder, and the ingot was rolled and heat treated. The microstructure of the ingot, especially the evolution of precipitates, was studied by SEM and TEM. The supersaturation oxide powders were successfully introduced by vacuum consumable melting method with built-in precursor powder. The hot rolled strip contained micron level Y rich oxide and Ti rich oxide, and the particles were evenly distributed without aggregation. Both conventional solution heat treatment (1 200 ℃) and current solution heat treatment (1 000 ℃) could reduce the oxide size in hot rolled strips, and the oxide particle size in the hot rolled strip after 80% cold rolling+1 000 ℃-10 min of current solution heat treatment was the smallest. The average size of Y-Ti-O particles rich in Ti and Y was reduced to 0.75 μm and 0.17 μm, respectively. After aging at 800 ℃ for 3 h, nanometer scale Y-Ti-O composite oxide precipitation was observed in the strip, with the size between 20-200 nm. The vacuum consumable melting method with built-in precursor powder successfully introduces the powder into the ingot. After rolling and heat treatment, the oxide particles can be significantly refined and the nanometer scale oxide can be precipitated.
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