Influence Mechanism of Modification Treatment on Morphology of Primary and Eutectic Mg2Si Modification in Extruded Al-20Mg2Si-4.5Cu Alloy
Received:August 29, 2023  
中文关键词: 铝合金  变质处理  形貌控制  非均质成核  挤压
英文关键词: aluminum alloy  modification treatment  morphology control  heterogeneous nucleation  extrusion
Author NameAffiliation
LI Chao School of Materials Science and Engineering, Jilin University, Changchun 130025, China
State Grid Henan Electric Power Company Electric Power Science Research Institute, Zhengzhou 450052, China 
CHEN Si-yu School of Materials Science and Engineering, Jilin University, Changchun 130025, China 
YANG Hao-kun School of Materials Science and Engineering, Jilin University, Changchun 130025, China 
WANG Cheng School of Materials Science and Engineering, Jilin University, Changchun 130025, China 
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      目的 研究微量元素复合变质下挤压态Al-20Mg2Si-4.5Cu合金初生Mg2Si和共晶Mg2Si的形貌演化规律,揭示Mg2Si相的变质和球化机制。方法 采用形貌调控元素Be和异质形核元素Sb协同变质调控初生及共晶Mg2Si相的形貌,然后结合挤压工艺对初生及共晶Mg2Si形貌进行进一步调控。结果 经0.5%(质量分数)Be-Sb复合变质与挤压工艺处理后,初生Mg2Si转变为近球形,尺寸约为10 μm,共晶Mg2Si转变约1 μm的球形。结论 挤压变形可以使Be-Sb复合变质后的合金中的初生及共晶Mg2Si相发生明显球化。其中,Sb元素生成的Mg3Sb2相作为初生Mg2Si的异质核心,有效细化了初生Mg2Si相;Be元素选择性吸附在初生Mg2Si及共晶Mg2Si的择优生长晶面上。
      The work aims to investigate the morphological changes in primary Mg2Si and eutectic Mg2Si within extruded Al-20Mg2Si-4.5Cu alloy under combined trace element modification, and reveal the mechanism behind the modification and spheroidization of Mg2Si phases. The morphology-controlling element Be and the heterogeneous nucleation element Sb were used to modify both primary and eutectic Mg2Si phases. Extrusion heat treatment was subsequently employed to further fine-tune the morphology of these phases. The application of 0.5wt.% Be-Sb composite modification combined with extrusion heat treatment resulted in the transformation of primary Mg2Si crystals into nearly spherical shapes, approximately 10 μm in size. Simultaneously, eutectic Mg2Si transformed into spherical shapes around 1 μm. The extrusion deformation significantly advances the spheroidization of primary and eutectic Mg2Si phases in the Be-Sb composite-modified alloy. Notably, Sb element triggers the formation of Mg3Sb2 phases as heterogeneous nucleation centers for primary Mg2Si, which effectively refines the primary Mg2Si phase. Moreover, the Be element selectively adheres to preferred crystal growth planes of both primary and eutectic Mg2Si.
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