Effects of Blade Thickness on Performance of Marine Axial-flow Turbines
Received:July 13, 2023  
中文关键词: 轴流涡轮  优化设计  叶片厚度  涡轮叶片  涡轮性能
英文关键词: axial-flow turbine  optimization design  blade thickness  turbine blade  blade performance
Author NameAffiliation
WU Xu-hui Chongqing Second Military Representative Bureau of Nary Equipment Department, Chongqing 400042, China 
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      目的 研究船用轴流涡轮叶片厚度对涡轮性能的影响,为高性能涡轮设计提供参考。方法 基于计算流体力学(CFD)仿真,模拟分析了2种叶片厚度下的叶片压力、涡轮流通特性及效率特性。结果 在相同膨胀比条件下,当叶片厚度从16.12 mm增大至16.61 mm(叶根处宽度)时,折合流量下降。当膨胀比从1.5增大到2时,加厚叶片的折合流量从0.216增长至0.238,未加厚叶片的折合流量从0.219增长至0.243。当膨胀比从2继续增大时,涡轮流量随膨胀比的变化而趋于平缓。当膨胀比约为2时,涡轮效率达到最高。采用加厚叶片时,涡轮效率最高达到0.815;当膨胀比为1.5~2.68时,涡轮效率在0.8以上。当采用未加厚叶片时,涡轮效率最高达到0.808;当膨胀比为1.6~2.38时,涡轮效率才能达到0.8以上。结论 转子叶片的加厚有利于降低能量损失,且叶片表面产生旋转涡流有助于减轻尾缘处的速度冲击,进一步降低了能量损失;但转子叶片过厚会限制流体的通量,使转子的通流面积减小,涡轮的折合流量减小;在大膨胀比条件下,加厚叶片涡轮的堵塞流量明显小于未加厚涡轮的。涡轮效率随膨胀比的增大而先增大后减小。随着叶片厚度的增大,涡轮整体效率增大,高效区范围增大。
      The work aims to investigate the effect of blade thickness on the performance of marine axial-flow turbines, aiming to provide insights for high-performance turbine design. Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) simulations were conducted to analyze the blade pressure, turbine flow characteristics, and efficiency under two different blade thickness conditions. Under the same expansion ratio, an increase in blade thickness from 16.12 mm to 16.61 mm (at the blade root) resulted in a decrease in equivalent flow rate. When the expansion ratio increased from 1.5 to 2, the equivalent flow rate for the thickened blade increased from 0.216 to 0.238, while for the unthickened blade, it increased from 0.219 to 0.243. As the expansion ratio continued to increase beyond 2, the turbine flow rate showed a tendency to level off. The turbine efficiency reached its peak at an expansion ratio of approximately 2, with a maximum efficiency of 0.815 when the thickened blade was used. The turbine efficiency could be maintained above 0.8 within the expansion ratio range of 1.5 to 2.68 when the thickened blade was used. In contrast, the maximum efficiency of 0.808 was achieved when the unthickened blade was used, which required an expansion ratio range of 1.6 to 2.38 to achieve efficiencies above 0.8. Increasing the thickness of rotor blades helps reduce energy losses, and the rotating vortex flow generated on the blade surface aids in mitigating velocity impacts at the trailing edge, further reducing energy losses. However, excessively thick rotor blades restrict the fluid flux, resulting in a reduced flow area for the rotor and a decrease in the equivalent flow rate of the turbine. Under high expansion ratio conditions, the blocked flow rate of the turbine with thickened blades is significantly lower than that of the turbine with unthickened blades. The turbine efficiency initially increases and then decreases with an increase in the expansion ratio. Increasing the blade thickness leads to an overall increase in turbine efficiency and expands the range of high-efficiency operation.
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