Multilayer Injection-compression Molding Process of Ultra-thick-walled Polymer Optical Products
Received:August 02, 2023  
中文关键词: 多次注射  超厚壁产品  注射-压缩  收缩形变  模具设计
英文关键词: multilayer injection molding  ultra-thick-walled products  injection-compression  shrinkage deformation  mold design
Author NameAffiliation
GAO Ruo-xiang School of Mechanical Engineering, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310030, China 
JIAO Xiao-long Haitian Plastic Machinery Co., Ltd., Zhejiang Ningbo 315821, China 
RUAN Jian-bo Haitian Plastic Machinery Co., Ltd., Zhejiang Ningbo 315821, China 
CHEN Hao School of Mechanical Engineering, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310030, China 
ZHOU Qi-feng Hangzhou Yusei Machinery Co., Ltd., Hangzhou 311241, China 
ZHAO Peng School of Mechanical Engineering, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310030, China 
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      目的 针对聚合物材料在注射成形过程中密度变化大,在成形超厚壁光学产品时容易产生收缩、气泡等缺陷,难以满足高性能成形需求等问题,提出了一种新型多次注射-压缩成形工艺,并研究了成形次数、压缩距离等参数对厚壁光学产品成形形变和双折射的影响规律。方法 设计并制造了相应的多次注射-压缩成形模具,将超厚产品分解为若干个薄壁制件,通过连续多次注射可以实现任意厚度与分层方式的产品成形,从而实现厚壁光学产品的成形,最大成形厚度可达100 mm。在此基础上,通过实验对多次注射-压缩成形的关键参数进行了研究。结果 多次注射可改变产品的变形形式,由单次注射产品的翘曲形变转变为收缩形变,且形变值减小达70.3%。随着压缩距离的增大,产品形变呈现先减小后增大的趋势,单次注射-压缩成形产品形变值最大可减小32.7%,而多次注射-压缩产品最小收缩形变值仅为未压缩产品的1.1%。此外,与注射成形相比,压缩工艺可以减小产品的双折射,而压缩距离对双折射的影响不显著。结论 多次注射可以对单次注射成形缺陷进行补偿。通过注射-压缩成形工艺,可显著减小产品的形变,同时提高光学性能,实现超厚壁光学产品的高性能成形。
      Due to the large density changes in the injection molding process of polymer materials, defects such as shrinkage and bubbles are prone to occur during molding of ultra-thick-walled optical products, and it is difficult to meet the high- performance molding requirements. For this reason, the work aims to propose a novel multilayer injection-compression molding process and study the effect of injection times, compression distance and other parameters on the deformation and birefringence of thick-walled optical products. A novel multilayer injection-compression mold was designed and manufactured, which decomposed ultra-thick products into several thin-walled parts. Through continuous multilayer injections, the process achieved the molding of products with any desired thicknesses and layering scheme, enabling the fabrication of thick-walled optical products with a maximum thickness up to 100 mm. The key parameters of multilayer injection-compression molding were experimentally studied. Multilayer injections could change the deformation form of the products, from warping deformation of single injection products to shrinkage deformation, and the deformation value was reduced by 70.3%. As the compression distance increased, the deformation of the products presented a trend of decreasing firstly and then increasing. The deformation value of single injection-compression molding products could be reduced by a maximum of 32.7%, while the minimum shrinkage deformation of multilayer injection-compression products was only 1.1% of uncompressed products. In addition, compared with injection molding, the compression process could reduce the birefringence of the products, but the compression distance had no significant effect on the birefringence. Multilayer injections can realize the compensation for defects in single injection molding. At the same time, through the injection-compression molding process, the deformation of the products can be significantly reduced, and high-performance molding of ultra-thick-walled optical products can be realized.
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