Current Situation and Development of Induction Cladding Technology
Received:May 29, 2023  
中文关键词: 感应熔覆  熔覆涂层  表面强化  数值模拟  成形过程  传热机制
英文关键词: induction cladding  cladding coating  surface strengthening  numerical simulation  forming process  heat transfer mechanism
Author NameAffiliation
ZHONG Bin School of Mechanical Engineering, Xi'an University of Science and Technology, Xi'an 710054, China 
WANG Pan School of Mechanical Engineering, Xi'an University of Science and Technology, Xi'an 710054, China 
LI Fei School of Mechanical Engineering, Xi'an University of Science and Technology, Xi'an 710054, China 
LI Hai-ning School of Mechanical Engineering, Xi'an University of Science and Technology, Xi'an 710054, China 
ZHAO Sheng-dun School of Mechanical Engineering, Xi'an Jiaotong University, Xi'an 710049, China 
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      Mechanical parts subject to high temperature, humidity and alternating loads for long period of time will lead to problems with reduced reliability and service life of mechanical equipment. Consequently, severe demands are placed on the surface properties of parts such as high wear resistance and high corrosion resistance. In this background, induction cladding technology, as a green surface modification process, is widely used in the field of surface reinforcement of mechanical parts for its low cost, high efficiency, small heat affected zone and good cladding quality. First of all, the working principles and characteristics of induction cladding technology were briefly introduced, concentrating on the application effects andpotential advantages of self-melting alloy powders and alloy powders with ceramic and rare earth elements. Next, the process steps of induction cladding were described, the effect of preformed coatings, protective sleeves and other strengthening processes on the performance and quality of induction clad coatings was analyzed, and the view that sensitivity parameters were important factors affecting the forming and heat transfer of induction clad coatings was put forward. Finally, the current status and problems of induction cladding numerical simulation methods were outlined and recommendations were made for the development of induction cladding forming processes and heat transmission mechanisms. Based on the above, the key scientific and technical challenges of the induction cladding additive manufacturing process are presented and future research directions are suggested. The study of new materials and the use of new numerical simulation techniques will enable more accurate guidance to be provided for the optimization of process parameters and the development of new coatings.
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