Numerical Simulation of Welding Deformation Control of Toroidal Field Coil Box in ITER
Received:March 20, 2023  
中文关键词: ITER  线圈盒  数值模拟  多层多道焊  焊接角变形
英文关键词: ITER  coil box  numerical simulation  multi-layer multi-pass welding  welding angular deformation
Author NameAffiliation
ZHANG Zhi-zheng State Key Laboratory for Mechanical Behavior of Materials, Xi'an Jiaotong University, Xi'an 710049, China 
CAI Hong-neng State Key Laboratory for Mechanical Behavior of Materials, Xi'an Jiaotong University, Xi'an 710049, China 
LING Wei-yi State Key Laboratory for Mechanical Behavior of Materials, Xi'an Jiaotong University, Xi'an 710049, China 
LI Zhen-yao State Key Laboratory for Mechanical Behavior of Materials, Xi'an Jiaotong University, Xi'an 710049, China 
YUAN Er-jin State Key Laboratory for Mechanical Behavior of Materials, Xi'an Jiaotong University, Xi'an 710049, China 
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      目的 对国际热核聚变装置中环向场线圈盒AU1段的焊接过程进行有限元数值模拟分析,探究焊接坡口类型和焊接工装对侧板焊接角变形的影响。方法 基于ABAQUS有限元计算平台,建立等截面尺寸简化的线圈盒AU1模拟件的有限元模型,通过二次开发移动单元体热源模型实现多层多道焊接模拟。在AU1模拟件的基础上设计对称和非对称的2种焊接坡口,并分析2种坡口结构侧板角变形的大小和规律。通过将防角变形工装抽象为边界条件,实现了该工装的功能,研究了防角变形工装调控焊接角变形的效果。结果 非对称坡口和对称坡口结构产生的侧板角变形规律基本相同,但前者的最终角变形为22.5 mm,大于后者的18.1 mm;在AU1结构焊接过程中,当焊接至约76 mm厚度时,角变形先是变化较快,而后逐渐趋于稳定;在焊接至约76 mm厚度之前对焊接工装进行调整,可使焊接厚度为280 mm时的侧板角变形由同期的22.7 mm降低至4.0 mm。结论 移动单元体热源模型很好地平衡了计算效率与准确性,使用对称坡口可以获得更小的角变形,对防角变形工装进行及时调整可以大幅度减小侧板的角变形。
      ing the anti-angle deformation tooling as a boundary condition, and the effect of the anti-angle deformation tooling to control the welding angle deformation was studied. The change rule of side plate angular deformation caused by asymmetric groove and symmetric groove structure was basically the same, but the final angular deformation of the former was 22.5 mm, which was greater than 18.1 mm of the latter. The deformation of AU1 structure during welding changed rapidly before welding to 76 mm, and then tended to be stable. The welding tooling was adjusted before the welding thickness reached 76 mm, which could reduce the angular deformation of the side plate from 22.7 mm to 4.0 mm at the same time when the welding thickness reached 280 mm. The heat source model of moving element body balances the calculation efficiency and accuracy very well. The use of symmetrical groove can obtain smaller angular deformation. The angular deformation of side plate can be greatly reduced by timely adjusting the anti-angular deformation tooling.
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