Optimization of Forming Process Parameters of Automobile Inner Plate Based on Kriging Model and NSGA-Ⅱ
Received:December 27, 2022  
中文关键词: 拉延成形  覆盖件  帕累托解集  克里金模型  多目标优化
英文关键词: drawing forming  covering parts  Pareto solution set  Kriging model  multi-objective optimization
Author NameAffiliation
HUANG Chao-qun Faculty of Intelligent Manufacturing and Automotive, Chongqing Technology and Business Institute, Chongqing 401520, China
Faculty of Intelligent Manufacturing and Automotive, Chongqing Open University, Chongqing 401520, China 
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      目的 针对某汽车后背门内板冲压成形过程中易产生破裂和回弹等问题,提出了一种基于克里金模型和多目标遗传算法的优化策略。方法 研究摩擦因数、压边力和拉延筋阻力系数对产品最大减薄率和最大回弹量的影响,并确定了参数的拉丁超立方抽样区间。在抽样区间内抽取25组样本,利用数值模拟获取样本的最大减薄率和最大回弹量,并用克里金模型构建样本的响应模型。采用多目标遗传算法对响应模型进行优化,得到了帕累托前沿最优解集;从最优解集中选取了一组合适的工艺参数作为最优解,并进行了数值模拟和生产试制。结果 拉延筋阻力系数、压边力和摩擦因数对最大回弹量和最大减薄率的影响都具有较大的非线性,最大减薄率和最大回弹量存在一定的矛盾关系。综合考虑回弹量和减薄率得到的最优参数如下:摩擦因数为0.12、压边力为1 700 kN、拉延筋阻力系数为0.26。数值仿真结果表明,使用优化后的工艺参数能够避免板料开裂并且显著降低回弹量。生产试制结果表明,使用优化后的工艺参数能够得到表面质量良好、无破裂及起皱缺陷的零件。结论 应用该优化策略能够控制成形质量、减少试模次数、降低生产成本。
      The work aims to propose an optimization method based on Kriging model and multi-objective genetic algorithm to solve the cracking, springback and other problems in stamping of automobile back door inner plates. The effects of friction coefficient, blank holder force and drawbead resistance coefficient on the maximum thinning rate and the maximum springback of the product were studied, and the Latin hypercube sampling interval of parameters was determined. Twenty five groups of samples were taken in the sampling interval to obtain the maximum thinning rate and the maximum springback of the samples by numerical simulation. The sample response model was constructed with the help of the Kriging model. The response model was optimized with the multi-objective genetic algorithm, and the Pareto frontier optimal solution set was obtained. A group of appropriate process parameters were selected from the optimal solution set as the optimal solution and were verified by numerical simulation and production trial. The effect of drawbead resistance coefficient, blank holder force and friction coefficient on the maximum springback and the maximum thinning ratio was nonlinear, and there was a contradiction between the maximum thinning ratio and the maximum springback. The optimum parameters obtained by comprehensively considering the springback and the thinning ratio were:friction coefficient 0.12, blank holder force 1 700 kN, and drawbead resistance coefficient 0.26. The numerical simulation results showed that the optimized process parameters could avoid the sheet metal cracking and significantly reduce the springback. The trial production results showed that the parts with good surface quality and without crack and wrinkle defects could be obtained with the optimized process parameters. The application of the optimization strategy can control the forming quality and reduce die tests and production cost.
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