Research Progress of Manufacture Technology for Cast TiAl Master Alloy
Received:September 02, 2022  
中文关键词: TiAl  母合金  铸造  熔炼  验收标准
英文关键词: TiAl  master alloy  cast  remelt  specification requirement
Author NameAffiliation
ZHU Chun-lei DEKAI Intelligent Casting Co., Ltd., Hebei Baoding 072750, China
Gaona Aero Material Co., Ltd., Beijing 100081, China 
ZHU Xiao-ping DEKAI Intelligent Casting Co., Ltd., Hebei Baoding 072750, China
University of Science and Technology Beijing, Beijing 100083, China 
BAI Xiao-qing DEKAI Intelligent Casting Co., Ltd., Hebei Baoding 072750, China 
WANG Hong-wei Gaona Aero Material Co., Ltd., Beijing 100081, China 
ZHANG Xi-wen Gaona Aero Material Co., Ltd., Beijing 100081, China 
ZHANG Ji Gaona Aero Material Co., Ltd., Beijing 100081, China 
Hits: 983
Download times: 580
      The new lightweight high-temperature structural material TiAl alloy casting components have entered the industrial production stage. The manufacturing technology and evaluation system of TiAl master alloys are urgently needed for industrial casting. This paper summarized the current engineering application status of cast TiAl alloy materials and components at home and abroad, based on the research and application achievements of Central Iron and Steel Research Institute on the engineering of cast TiAl alloy. On this basis, the technical requirements for chemical composition, specifications, and other aspects of cast TiAl master alloys were proposed, and the advantages and disadvantages of the master alloy preparation processes such as twice consumable melting, consumable melting+shell melting, consumable melting+shell melting+consumable melting were further compared and analyzed. Finally, the technological development direction of industrial cast TiAl master alloys was proposed.
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