Fracture Behavior of Pure Aluminum Bursting Diaphragm with Micro Score
中文关键词: 爆破膜片  数值模拟  破裂压力  刻痕  剩余厚度
英文关键词: bursting diaphragm  numerical simulation  fracture pressure  score  residual thickness
Author NameAffiliation
LIU Yang College of Physics and Electromechanical Engineering, Jishou University, Hunan Jishou 416000, China 
CHENG Li-dong Archives Center,Jiangsu Suzhou 215131, China 
ZHANG Zhi-chao Shanghai Aerospace Equipment Manufacturer Co., Ltd., Shanghai 200245, China 
GUO Li-jie Shanghai Aerospace Equipment Manufacturer Co., Ltd., Shanghai 200245, China 
WANG Chun-ju Robotics and Microsystems Center, School of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, Soochow University, Jiangsu Suzhou 215131, China 
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      目的 确定动力系统贮箱管路爆破膜片刻痕形态及尺寸对破裂压力的影响规律。方法 通过有限元数值模拟,对纯铝金属膜片的破裂行为进行仿真分析。研究膜片破裂过程中的塑性变形行为及破裂演变过程,通过刻痕位置的应变随时间变化的突变点确定膜片发生破裂的初始阶段。分析刻痕剩余厚度、刻痕角度、单面/双面刻痕、C形/Ω形刻痕对破裂压力、破裂时间、开口幅度等关键参数的影响规律。结合纯铝膜片爆破实验,对数值模拟结果进行验证。结果 膜片在达到破裂压力后,在刻痕弧长中点处首先发生破裂并快速向双侧扩展。刻痕剩余厚度是影响破裂压力的主要因素,当破裂压力为(0.4±0.1)MPa时,C形纯铝膜片的刻痕剩余厚度为0.06~0.17 mm。刻痕角度对破裂压力的影响相对较小。在相同剩余厚度条件下,单面刻痕膜片相对于双面刻痕膜片发生破裂所需时间更短。结论 对刻痕剩余厚度及刻痕形态进行了优化设计,数值模拟结果可对爆破膜片的实际应用提供参考。与C形膜片相比,Ω形膜片破裂后开口幅度更大,这有利于提高泄放量。初步的纯铝膜片爆破实验结果与模拟结果规律一致。
      The work aims to determine the effect of score morphology and dimension on fracture pressure of bursting diaphragms in tank pipes of power systems. The fracture behavior of a pure aluminum metal diaphragm was analyzed by finite element numerical simulation. The plastic deformation and fracture evolution of the diaphragm were studied and the mutational site was used to determine the initial fracture according to strain-time curve. The effect of residual thickness, angle of score, single/double sided score and C/Ω-type score on fracture pressure, fracture time and opening amplitude were studied. The simulation results were verified by a pure aluminum diaphragm bursting experiment. The fracture occurred first at the midpoint of score and rapidly expanded bilaterally after reaching the fracture pressure. The residual thickness of the score was the main factor affecting the fracture pressure. When the fracture pressure was (0.4±0.1) MPa, the reference value of the residual thickness of C-type diaphragm was 0.06-0.17 mm. The effect of score angle on fracture pressure was relatively small. Under the same residual thickness, the fracture time of single-sided score was shorter than that of double-sided score. The optimized design on residual thickness and score morphology can provide a reference for practical application of bursting diaphragm. Compared with C-type diaphragm, the opening amplitude of Ω-type diaphragm is larger, which is conducive to improving the relieving capacity. The preliminary results of pure aluminum diaphragm bursting experiment are basically consistent with the simulation results.
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