Formability of 304 Stainless Steel Foil by Micro Deep Drawing
中文关键词: 微拉深  不锈钢箔带  微观组织  成形性能  力学性能
英文关键词: micro deep drawing  stainless steel foil  microstructure  formability  mechanical property
Author NameAffiliation
HAO Hang College of Mechanical and Delivery Engineering,Engineering Research Center of Advanced Metal Composites Forming Technology and Equipment, Ministry of Education, Taiyuan University of Technology, Taiyuan 030024, China 
MA Xiao-guang College of Mechanical and Delivery Engineering,Engineering Research Center of Advanced Metal Composites Forming Technology and Equipment, Ministry of Education, Taiyuan University of Technology, Taiyuan 030024, China 
ZHAO Jing-wei College of Mechanical and Delivery Engineering,Engineering Research Center of Advanced Metal Composites Forming Technology and Equipment, Ministry of Education, Taiyuan University of Technology, Taiyuan 030024, China 
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      目的 探究退火温度对厚度为20 μm的奥氏体304不锈钢(ASS 304)箔带微拉深成形性能的影响规律。方法 将ASS 304箔带分别在850~1 050 ℃下进行退火处理以获得不同的微观组织,基于退火试样和精密微型落料–拉深复合模具,开展微拉深成形试验并制备出外径为1.6 mm的杯状微拉深成形件,并通过高分辨率激光扫描电镜进行微拉深成形件表面形貌的观测和分析。结果 ASS 304箔带的微拉深成形性能受到尺度效应的显著影响。当退火温度为850 ℃时,强烈的材料各向异性导致微拉深成形件出现严重的起皱现象;经900 ℃退火后,MDD成形件的起皱现象有所抑制,但依旧不均匀;当退火温度为950 ℃时,ASS 304箔带主要由再结晶后形成的细小等轴晶构成,材料各向异性得到明显改善,起皱现象得到抑制;当退火温度进一步升高到1 000 ℃甚至1 050 ℃时,晶粒的长大导致各向异性增强、塑性降低,显著影响了微拉深成形件的成形质量。结论 适宜的退火温度有助于改善ASS 304箔带的微观组织,进而改善材料的力学性能及成形性能。950 ℃是获得具备高成形质量及表面质量的ASS 304微拉深成形件的较优退火温度。
      The work aims to explore the effect of annealing temperature on the formability of austenitic stainless steel 304 (ASS 304) foils (20 μm thick) by micro deep drawing (MDD). In order to acquire different microstructures of specimens, the as-received ASS 304 foils were annealed at 850-1 050 ℃, respectively. A series of MDD experiments were performed based on the annealed specimens and precision micro blanking-bending toolset, and the cup-shaped parts with the outer diameter of 1.6 mm were successfully manufactured by micro deep drawing. The surface morphology of drawn parts was observed and analyzed based on the advanced laser scanning microscope. The formability of ASS 304 foils by MDD was significantly affected by the size effect. When the annealing temperature reached 850 ℃, strong anisotropy of materials led to serious wrinkling of the drawn parts. The wrinkling of the microcups of the specimens after annealing at 900 ℃ was suppressed, but it was still not uniform. At annealing temperature of 950 ℃, the ASS 304 foils were mainly composed of refined and equiaxed grains formed after recrystallization, and the material anisotropy was remarkably improved and wrinkling phenomenon was controlled. As annealing temperature was further increased to 1 000 ℃ or even 1 050 ℃, the grains were coarsened, inducing enhanced material anisotropy and reduced plasticity, and lowering the forming quality of drawn parts. In summary, appropriate annealing temperature is beneficial to the microstructural refinement, mechanical properties, and formability of ASS 304 foils. 950 ℃ is an optimal annealing temperature to manufacture micro deep drawn parts of ASS 304 with high forming quality and surface quality.
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