Numerical Simulation and Experimental Study on Rolling Forming of Steel Rim
中文关键词: 滚压成形  参数优化  仿真分析  实验验证  质点追踪
英文关键词: roll forming  parameter optimization  simulation analysis  experimental verification  particle point tracing
Author NameAffiliation
LYU Wen-hua School of Mechanical and Energy Engineering, Zhejiang University of Science and Technology, Hangzhou 310020, China 
PANG Mao School of Mechanical and Energy Engineering, Zhejiang University of Science and Technology, Hangzhou 310020, China 
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      目的 解决合金钢制轮辋滚压成形精度低和圆角减薄难以控制等问题。方法 通过Solidworks建立钢制轮辋三维模型,并对轮辋滚压模型参数进行优化设计,确定材料应力–应变、接触边界条件,且根据节点线速度相等原理计算钢制轮辋滚压成形时间步长。运用有限元软件Simufact Forming分析不同工艺参数对成形厚度的影响,在此基础上,优化滚压成形工艺参数组合,并分析各道次滚压轮辋应力和应变的仿真结果,引入质点追踪技术,分析应力在每个增量步内的变化规律。结果 对比分析仿真与实验测试数据,发现仿真厚度与实际厚度基本吻合,验证了滚压工艺仿真的正确性。结论 增大摩擦因数有利于工件成形,但当摩擦因数增大到0.3后,对成形壁厚影响不明显。随着进给速度的增大,测点厚度增加,此时利于成形,但进给速度过大,侧向力变大,易造成工件偏移。降低转速有利于控制轮辋减薄。在成形过程中,一滚凹槽先产生较大应力,且应变较大;二滚预成形轮缘,该处应力和应变均较大,且最大等效应力出现在轮缘部位;三滚轮辋精确成形,应力分布更加均匀,圆角变形相对较小,轮辋圆角减薄率明显提升。
      The work aims to solve the problems of low precision of rolling forming and difficult control of fillet thinning of the alloy steel rim. A 3D model of the steel rim was established with Solidworks, and the parameters of the rim rolling model were optimized. The stress-strain and contact boundary conditions were determined, and the forming time step of steel rim rolling was calculated based on the principle of equal linear velocity of nodes. The effects of different process parameters on the forming quality were analyzed with the finite element software Simufact Forming. On this basis, the combination of rolling forming process parameters was optimized and the stress and strain simulation results of the roller rim in each pass were analyzed. The particle tracking technology was introduced to analyze the stress variation in each incremental step. The simulation and experimental test data were compared and analyzed. The simulation thickness was consistent with the actual thickness, which verified the correctness of the rolling process simulation. The increase of friction coefficient is beneficial to the forming of the workpiece, but the effect on the forming quality is not obvious when the friction coefficient increases to 0.3. When the feed rate increases, the thickness of the measuring point increases, which is conducive to forming. But when the feed rate is too large, the lateral force increases, which is easy to cause the workpiece deviation. The speed is reduced to help control the rim thinning. During the forming process, the groove first generates a large stress and a large strain during the first rolling. The rim is formed during the second rolling. The stress and strain at this position are large, and the maximum equivalent stress occurs in the flange. The rim is precisely formed during the third rolling. The stress distribution is more uniform, the fillet deformation is relatively small, and the rim fillet thinning rate is significantly improved.
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