Deep Drawing of 6061 Aluminum Alloy for Aircraft Oil Spill
中文关键词: 6061铝合金  溢油口  成对拉深  凹凸模间隙  压边力  凹模圆角
英文关键词: 6061 aluminum alloy  oil spill  paired drawing  concave and convex die clearance  blank holder force  concave die fillet
Author NameAffiliation
CHE Li AVIC Xi'an Aircraft Industry Group Co., Ltd., Xi'an 710089, China 
LI Xiao-man AVIC Xi'an Aircraft Industry Group Co., Ltd., Xi'an 710089, China 
WANG Xi-ying AVIC Xi'an Aircraft Industry Group Co., Ltd., Xi'an 710089, China 
GAO Hui AVIC Xi'an Aircraft Industry Group Co., Ltd., Xi'an 710089, China 
WANG Yong-xing AVIC Xi'an Aircraft Industry Group Co., Ltd., Xi'an 710089, China 
GONG Qiang AVIC Xi'an Aircraft Industry Group Co., Ltd., Xi'an 710089, China 
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      目的 掌握深腔薄壁溢油口拉深成形工艺,解决拉深成形过程中起皱和破裂问题,研究各参数对拉深成形的影响规律,最终成形出合格产品。方法 以6061铝合金飞机溢油口为主要研究对象,采用Dynaform有限元数值模拟软件建立有限元模型,分析成对拉深成形对材料流动的影响并与单一拉深成形进行对比,通过改变毛坯外形尺寸、凹凸模间隙和压边力等参数进行拉深成形模拟试验研究,最终通过拉深成形试验验证成形方法及各参数设置的合理性。结果 成对拉深成形能限制单一拉深成形圆弧开口位置材料收缩,改善开口处起皱和变形缺料的现象。随着凹凸模间隙的增大,最大减薄率逐渐降低而后升高,最佳成形凹凸模间隙为1.05t;随着压边力的增大,最大减薄率逐渐升高,最大增厚率逐渐降低,最佳成形压边力为50 kN;凹模圆角半径小于7 mm 时,板料最大减薄率逐渐减小,半径为4 mm时,最大减薄率下降最快,半径在7~8 mm范围内,板料最大减薄率趋于平稳,最佳成形凹模圆角半径为7 mm。结论 模拟得到了毛坯外形尺寸、凹凸模间隙和压边力等参数对拉深成形的影响规律,最终制造出了满足设计要求的产品,验证了各参数设置的合理性。
      The work aims to master the deep-cavity thin-walled oil spill drawing process and solve the wrinkling and fracture during deep-drawing, study the effects of various parameters on the deep-drawing process, and finally form qualified products. With 6061 aluminum alloy aircraft oil spill as the main research object, Dynaform finite element numerical simulation software was used to establish a finite element model. The effects of paired deep drawing forming on material flow were analyzed and compared with single deep drawing forming. The simulation test of deep drawing forming was carried out by changing parameters such as blank dimension, concave and convex die clearance and blank holding force. Finally, the rationality of forming method and parameter setting was verified by deep drawing test. Paired deep drawing could limit the material shrinkage at the arc opening position of single deep drawing and relieve the phenomenon of wrinkle and deformation at the opening. With the increase of concave-convex die clearance, the maximum thinning rate gradually decreased and then increased, and the optimum concave-convex die clearance was 1.05t. With the increase of blank holding force, the maximum thinning rate gradually increased and the maximum thickening rate gradually decreased, and the best blank holding force was 50 kN. When the radius of concave die fillet was less than 7 mm, the maximum thinning rate gradually decreased. When the radius was 4 mm, the maximum thinning rate of sheet metal decreased the fastest. When the radius was 7-8 mm, the maximum thinning rate of sheet metal tended to be stable, and the best forming die fillet radius was 7 mm. The influence laws of parameters such as blank size, concave and convex die clearance and blank holding force on deep drawing forming are obtained by simulation. Finally, the products meeting the design requirements are manufactured, and the rationality of parameter setting is verified.
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