Analysis on High-temperature Mechanical Properties and Microstructure of As-extruded AT95-xSb Magnesium Alloy
中文关键词: AT95–xSb镁合金  高温拉伸    屈强比  断口
英文关键词: AT95-xSb magnesium alloy  high-temperature tensile  Sb  yield strength ratio  fracture
Author NameAffiliation
MA Chun-hua School of Mechanical and Electronic Engineering, Henan Nanyang 473061, China
Henan Rare-earth Alloy Material Engineering and Engineering Research Center, Nanyang Normal University, Henan Nanyang 473061, China 
ZHONG Zhi-guo School of Mechanical and Electronic Engineering, Henan Nanyang 473061, China
Henan Rare-earth Alloy Material Engineering and Engineering Research Center, Nanyang Normal University, Henan Nanyang 473061, China 
ZHAO Ya-zhong School of Mechanical and Automotive Engineering, Nanyang Institute of Technology, Henan Nanyang 473004, China 
WANG Wei-qing College of Materials Science and Engineering, Chongqing University of Technology, Chongqing 400054, China 
LU Zhi-wen School of Mechanical and Electronic Engineering, Henan Nanyang 473061, China
Henan Rare-earth Alloy Material Engineering and Engineering Research Center, Nanyang Normal University, Henan Nanyang 473061, China 
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      目的 为使AT95–xSb镁合金获得良好的高温力学性能,对挤压态AT95–xSb(x=0.0,0.3,1.0,x表示质量分数,%)镁合金的高温力学性能及组织进行研究,以解决镁合金塑性变形能力较差的问题,为提高镁合金的高温变形性能提供一些新思路。方法 所用合金材料是采用真空感应熔炼炉熔炼,国产XJ–500卧式挤压机挤压制备的AT95–xSb镁合金棒材,通过XRF–1800 CCDE型X射线荧光光谱仪、Rigaku D/max 2500PC X射线衍射仪、SEM、TEM及CMT–5105电子万能试验机等对挤压态镁合金棒材的成分、物相、显微组织及高温拉伸性能进行分析。结果 Sb元素的添加使得AT95合金的第二相种类增加,数量增多;随着元素Sb含量的增加及拉伸变形温度的升高,AT95–xSb镁合金的高温拉伸强度降低,伸长率和屈强比增大;断口扫描证实拉伸断口主要为韧性断裂,且150 ℃时拉伸断口的第二相颗粒明显比200 ℃时数量更多,尺寸更大。结论 随着元素Sb含量的增加,挤压态AT95–xSb镁合金高温拉伸强度降低,伸长率和屈强比增大,很大程度上能够提高镁合金的塑性变形能力。
      The work aims to study the high-temperature mechanical properties and microstructure of as-extruded AT95-xSb (x=0.0, 0.3 and 1.0, wt.%) magnesium alloy to solve the problem of poor plastic deformation ability of magnesium alloy, in order to obtain good high-temperature mechanical properties of AT95-xSb magnesium alloy and provide some new ideas for improving the high-temperature deformation properties of magnesium alloy. The alloy material used was the AT95-xSb magnesium alloy bar prepared by vacuum induction melting furnace and extruded by domestic XJ-500 horizontal extruder. XRF-1800 CCDE X-ray fluorescence spectrometer, RIGAKU D/max 2500PC X-ray diffractometer, SEM, TEM and CMT-5105 electronic universal testing machine were used to analyze the actual chemical compositions, phase, microstructure and high-temperature tensile properties of as-extruded magnesium alloy bar. The addition of element Sb increased the type and quantity of the second phase of AT95 alloy. With the increase of Sb content and tensile temperature, the high-temperature tensile strength of AT95-xSb magnesium alloy decreased and the elongation and yield ratio increased. Fracture scanning confirmed that the tensile fracture was ductile fracture, and the number and size of the second phase particles in 150 ℃ tensile fracture was more than that in 200 ℃ tensile fracture. It is concluded that with the increase of Sb content, the tensile strength of as-extruded AT95-xSb magnesium alloy at high temperature decreases, and the elongation and yield ratio increases, which can improve the plastic deformation ability of magnesium alloy to a great extent.
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