Plastic Forming Process of Flange Shaft Structure Based on Finite Element
中文关键词: 法兰轴结构件  塑性成形  材料折叠  几何特征  摩擦因数  冷镦速度  预成形角度  终成形圆角直径
英文关键词: flange shaft structure  plastic forming  material folding  geometric characteristics  friction coefficient  cold heading speed  preforming angle  final forming fillet diameter
Author NameAffiliation
YU Ling College of Mechanical Engineering, Henan Polytechnic Institute, Henan Nanyang 473000, China 
LIU Qing-wen College of Mechanical Engineering, Henan Polytechnic Institute, Henan Nanyang 473000, China 
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      目的 针对法兰轴结构件塑性成形过程复杂、工序繁琐、成形效率低、材料易折叠等问题,基于塑性成形理论,对汽车法兰轴零件进行工艺分析,提出2种冷镦成形方案,对法兰轴结构件进行塑性成形工艺研究。方法 分析汽车法兰轴的几何特征,采用有限元分析软件对2种冷镦成形方案的成形载荷进行模拟比较,确定较为合理的工艺方案,通过正交试验设计进一步进行工艺参数的优化,选取预成形角度A、摩擦因数B、冷镦速度C、终成形圆角直径R作为4个因素,每个因素对应3个水平,并以成形载荷大小作为考核指标。结果 通过有限元数值模拟技术,得到工艺1各工序载荷分别为403、521 kN,工艺2各工序载荷分别为226、518 kN。可知工艺2比工艺1效率高,模具使用寿命更长。最后通过正交试验法获得各因素对成形载荷影响大小的排序为:摩擦因数>冷镦速度>终成形圆角直径>预成形角度,最优工艺组合为:预成形角度19°,摩擦因数0.2,冷镦速度15 mm/s,终成形圆角直径3 mm。结论 工艺2的冷镦成形方案缩短了锻件生产试验过程和修模时间,能够满足设计要求,为实际生产金属零部件提供了理论依据。
      The work aims to carry out process analysis of automobile flange shaft parts, propose two cold heading forming schemes, and study the plastic forming technology of flange shaft structure based on the theory of plastic forming to solve the problems of complex plastic forming process, cumbersome process, low forming efficiency, and easy folding of materials for flange shaft structure. The geometric characteristics of the automobile flange shaft were analyzed, and the forming loads of the two cold heading forming schemes were simulated and compared with finite element analysis software. A more reasonable process scheme was determined, and the process parameters were further optimized through the orthogonal test design. Preforming angle A, friction coefficient B, cold heading speed C, and final forming fillet diameter R were selected as four factors, with each factor corresponding to three levels. The forming load was used as the assessment index. Through the numerical simulation technology of finite element, the loads of each procedure in process 1 were 403 and 521 kN, respectively, and the loads of each procedure in process 2 were 226 and 518 kN, respectively. It can be seen that the efficiency of process 2 was higher than that of process 1, and the service life of the mold was longer. Finally, the order of the influence of each factor on the forming load obtained by the orthogonal test method was:friction coefficient > cold heading speed > final forming fillet diameter > preforming angle. The optimal process combination was:preforming angle of 19°, friction coefficient of 0.2, cold heading speed of 15 mm/s, and final forming fillet diameter of 3 mm. The cold heading forming scheme of process 2 reduces the test process of forging production and mold repair time, can meet the design requirements, and provides a theoretical basis for actual production of metal parts.
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