基于多域正交空间协同演进的薄壁注塑件翘曲优化研究 |
Warpage Optimization of Thin-walled Injection Molded Part Based on Multi-domain Orthogonal Space Co-evolution |
DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1674-6457.2023.02.018 |
中文关键词: 注塑成型 薄壁 方差分析 多域正交空间演进 翘曲变形 |
英文关键词: injection molding thin-walled ANOVA multi-domain orthogonal space evolution warpage |
基金项目:国家自然科学基金(61901400);四川省国际科技合作项目(2021YFH0089) |
Author Name | Affiliation | YU Jia-xin | School of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, Southwest University of Science and Technology, Sichuan Mianyang 621010, China | LI Guang-ming | School of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, Southwest University of Science and Technology, Sichuan Mianyang 621010, China | ZHENG Li-xuan | School of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, Southwest University of Science and Technology, Sichuan Mianyang 621010, China | MENG Chuan | Sichuan Aerospace Liaoyuan Science and Technology Co., Ltd., Chengdu 610100, China | WANG Ming-chuan | Chengdu Mould Branch of Chengdu Aerospace Mould & Plastics Co., Ltd., Chengdu 610100, China |
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中文摘要: |
目的 鉴于细长、异形、薄壁注塑件成型机理复杂,且容易产生翘曲变形,以及传统工艺优化方法存在局限性的问题,以某轿车薄壁件为研究对象,优化注射成型工艺,以实现降低翘曲变形,提高效率的目的。方法 首先,对压力、温度因素及多重效应造成细长、异形、薄壁注塑件翘曲变形的机理进行分析。然后,在正交试验设计的基础上,应用Moldflow软件模拟仿真获取数据,并进行方差分析,获得各工艺参数的显著性。为了进一步优化工艺参数,打破传统优化方法存在的局限,提出一种多域正交空间协同演进(MDOSE)的集成优化方法。最后,基于该方法优化某轿车薄壁件的翘曲变形,并将其应用于实际生产制造。结果 与初始试验方案相比,优化后制件z方向上的翘曲从1.022 mm降低到了0.085 7 mm,减小了91.6%,证实了MDOSE优化方法的有效性和实用性。结论 优化结果表明,MDOSE优化方法一定程度上解决了薄壁件的翘曲优化问题,改善了传统工艺优化方法的局限。机理分析和工艺方法为往后的薄壁注塑件的实际生产提供了一定的理论支撑。 |
英文摘要: |
Given the complex molding mechanism of slender, shaped, and thin-walled injection molded part which is prone to warpage and the limitations of traditional process optimization methods, the work aims to optimize the injection molding process of the thin-walled part of a car, in order to achieve the purpose of reducing warpage and improving efficiency. The warpage mechanism of slender, shaped, and thin-walled injection molded part caused by pressure, temperature and multiple effects was firstly analyzed. Then, based on orthogonal experimental design, Moldflow simulation was applied to obtain data, and ANOVA was performed to obtain the significance of each process parameter. To further optimize the process parameters and solve the limitations of traditional optimization methods, an integrated optimization method of multi-domain orthogonal space co-evolution (MDOSE) was proposed. Finally, based on this method, the warpage of the thin-walled part of a car was optimized and applied to the actual manufacturing. Compared with the initial experimental scheme, the warpage in the z-direction of the optimized part was reduced from 1.022 mm to 0.085 7 mm, with a reduction rate of 91.6%, which verified the effectiveness and practicality of the MDOSE optimization method. According to the optimization results, the MDOSE optimization method has solved the warpage problem of thin-walled part to a certain extent and improved the limitations of the traditional process optimization method. The mechanism analysis and process method provide some theoretical support for the future practical production of thin-walled injection molded parts. |
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