Spreading Model of Duplex Stainless Steel Bar Based on the Shape Coefficient of Pass
中文关键词: 双相不锈钢  开坯轧制  数值模拟  形状系数  宽展模型
英文关键词: duplex stainless steel  billet rolling  numerical simulation  shape coefficient  spreading model
Author NameAffiliation
LI Liang Engineering Research Center of Ministry of Heavy Machinery, Taiyuan University of Science and Technology, Taiyuan 030024, China 
SHUAI Mei-rong Engineering Research Center of Ministry of Heavy Machinery, Taiyuan University of Science and Technology, Taiyuan 030024, China 
TIAN Heng-guang Engineering Research Center of Ministry of Heavy Machinery, Taiyuan University of Science and Technology, Taiyuan 030024, China 
WANG Jian-mei Engineering Research Center of Ministry of Heavy Machinery, Taiyuan University of Science and Technology, Taiyuan 030024, China 
WANG Hui-mian Shanxi Taigang Stainless Steel Co., Ltd., Baowu Group, Taiyuan 030003, China 
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      目的 针对2209双相不锈钢棒材在开坯轧制阶段宽展计算精度不高、孔型设计不合理、容易产生“折叠”“耳子”等表面缺陷的问题,建立一种基于“椭圆”孔型形状系数的宽展模型,提高产品尺寸精度。方法 建立11道次2209双相不锈钢开坯轧制有限元模型,研究轧件温度分布及“椭圆”孔型不同形状系数对轧件宽展的影响,修正传统С.И.古布金计算模型,并与实测数据进行对比,验证修正后模型的可靠性。结果 模拟轧制过程中,轧件温度变化趋势与实测值基本相同,11道次后温降为91.87 ℃,且在孔型突变阶段降幅较大。通过轧件每道次尺寸数据对比得出,С.И.古布金模型宽展计算偏差较大,在第8道次椭圆孔型偏差最大。不同形状系数的椭圆孔型分别模拟轧制后,发现形状系数为2时,椭圆孔型充满度为93.94%,下一道圆孔型充满度为98.92%,此时轧出的产品尺寸精度高。修正后的宽展模型与实测值进行对比,计算精度高于95%。结论 构建的形状系数修正宽展模型提高了轧制宽展计算精度,可用于指导双相不锈钢开坯轧制孔型设计及优化。
      The work aims to establish an "elliptical" hole shape coefficient based spreading model to solve the problems 2209 duplex stainless steel bar in the blank rolling stage, such as low calculation accuracy, unreasonable hole design, easy to produce "folding", "ear" and other surface defects, to improve the dimensional accuracy of product. By means of the finite element model of 11-pass billet rolling process of 2209 duplex stainless steel, the effects of temperature distribution of rolling pieces and different shape coefficients of elliptic pass on the width of rolling pieces was studied. The traditional C.И.Губкин calculation model was modified and compared with the measured data to verify the reliability of the modified model. The results showed that in the simulated rolling process, the temperature change trend of the rolling piece was basically the same as the measured value, and the temperature dropped by 91.87 ℃ after 11 passes, along with the decrease was large in the hole mutation stage. By comparing the size data of each roll, it was concluded that the calculation deviation of the C.И.Губкин model was large, and the deviation of the elliptical hole was the largest in the 8th pass. After simulated rolling of elliptical pass with different shape coefficients, it was found that the fullness of elliptical hole was 93.94% and the fullness of next round hole was 98.92% when the shape coefficient was 2, and the product size precision was high. The corrected spreading model is compared with the measured values with a calculation accuracy of higher than 95%. The modified shape coefficient model improves the calculation accuracy of rolling width and can be used to guide the hole design and optimization of duplex stainless steel billet rolling.
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