Dynamic Globularization Behavior of Lamellar α Phase in TC21 Titanium Alloy during Hot Deformation
中文关键词: TC21钛合金  热变形  片层α相  动态球化  球化机理
英文关键词: TC21 titanium alloy  hot deformation  lamellar α phase  dynamic globularization  globularization mechanism
Author NameAffiliation
ZUO Zheng Deyang Wanhang Die Forging LLC, China National Erzhong Group Co., Ltd., Sichuan Deyang 618000, China 
ZOU Jun-jie College of Mechanical Engineering, Yanshan University, Hebei Qinhuangdao 066004, China 
JIANG Jia-jun Deyang Wanhang Die Forging LLC, China National Erzhong Group Co., Ltd., Sichuan Deyang 618000, China 
DONG Yue College of Mechanical Engineering, Yanshan University, Hebei Qinhuangdao 066004, China 
LIU Xin-gang College of Mechanical Engineering, Yanshan University, Hebei Qinhuangdao 066004, China 
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      目的 定量分析不同热变形参数下片层α相的演化行为,探究不同热变形参数对TC21钛合金中片层α相动态球化行为的影响规律,并探讨片层α相在动态球化过程中的组织演变机理。方法 基于Thermecmastor-z热模拟试验机对TC21钛合金开展不同变形参数的热压缩试验,结合SEM-EBSD材料表征技术进行显微组织的表征。结果 随着温度从890 ℃升高至950 ℃,片层α相的平均厚度从0.65 μm先增大至0.72 μm后减小至0.16 μm;在高温、低应变速率的条件下,片层α相球化百分数约为59%,而在低温、高应变速率条件下,片层α相球化百分数降至约26%;随着应变速率由0.001 s−1升至1 s−1,片层α相球化百分数的增量由10%减少至不足2%。结论 温度的高低主导了片层α相尺寸的变化趋势;变形温度的升高及应变速率的降低加速了片层α相的球化进程,而应变速率为主要影响因素;在α+β两相区变形过程中,LAGBs常形成于片层α相内部位错塞积程度较高的区域,并以此作为发生动态球化的界面。随着动态球化百分数的增大,α相中LAGBs的体积分数减小,而HAGBs的体积分数增大。
      The work aims to quantitatively analyze the evolution behavior of lamellar α phase under different thermal deformation parameters, explore the effect law of different thermal deformation parameters on the dynamic globularization behavior of lamellar α phase in TC21 titanium alloy, and discuss the microstructure evolution mechanism of lamellar α phase during dynamic globularization. Hot compression tests of TC21 titanium alloy with different deformation parameters were carried out based on Thermecmastor-z thermal simulator, and the microstructure was characterized by SEM-EBSD material characterization technology. The results showed that with the increase of temperature from 890 °C to 950 °C, the average thickness of lamellar α phase increased from 0.65 μm to 0.72 μm and then decreased to 0.16 μm. At high temperature and low strain rate, the percentage of lamellar α phase globularization was about 59%, while at low temperature and high strain rate, the percentage of lamellar α phase globularization decreased to about 26%. As the strain rate increased from 0.001 s–1 to 1 s–1, the increment of globularization percentage of lamellar α phase decreased from 10% to less than 2%. The temperature dominates the variation trend of lamellar α phase size; the increase of deformation temperature and the decrease of strain rate accelerate the globularization process of lamellar α phase, and the strain rate is the main influencing factor. In the deformation process of α+β dual-phase region, LAGBs are often formed in the region with high dislocation pile-up in the lamellar α phase, and serve as the interface for dynamic globularization. With the increase of dynamic globularization percentage, the volume fraction of LAGBs in α phase decreases and the volume fraction of HAGBs increases.
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