Design and Experiment of Movable Laser Remanufacturing Repair Platform
中文关键词: 激光再制造  修复平台  龙门式  控制系统  Marlin固件
英文关键词: laser remanufacturing  repair platform  gantry  control system  Marlin firmware
Author NameAffiliation
LIU Hong-wei Shanghai Xinfumei Gearbox Technical Service Co., Ltd., Shanghai 201100, China
Institute of Remanufacturing Industry Technology, Jing-Jin-Ji IRIT, Hebei Cangzhou 062455, China 
MA Shi-bo School of Materials Science and Engineering,Key Laboratory for Material Near Net Forming of Hebei Province, Hebei University of Science and Technology, Shijiazhuang 050018, China 
CHI Yong-bo Shanghai Xinfumei Gearbox Technical Service Co., Ltd., Shanghai 201100, China 
ZHANG Zhao Institute of Remanufacturing Industry Technology, Jing-Jin-Ji IRIT, Hebei Cangzhou 062455, China 
CAI Yong-bin School of Materials Science and Engineering,Key Laboratory for Material Near Net Forming of Hebei Province, Hebei University of Science and Technology, Shijiazhuang 050018, China 
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      目的 与其他修复技术相比,激光修复技术具有较明显的技术优势,现有成套激光修复设备成本较高,多为固定式,难以面向现场修复。为此,面向现场待修复零件构建可移动激光再制造修复平台,以实现典型零件的三维有效修复。方法 设计龙门式主体结构的分体式修复工作台,由单模组铝型材结构和滚珠丝杆型直线模组构成运动框架,采取双z固定x轴形式和机械连接式可移动底座。设计三轴并联步进电机驱动及限位控制电路,实现各轴同步控制及运动。建立基于Atmega2560主控板和Ramps1.4扩展板的控制系统,通过Marlin固件配置行程、限位和精度等主要参数,编译对应控制程序。结合正逆向技术和路径规划,实施典型曲面结构涡轮零件和预置坡口缺陷零件的激光修复实验。结果 设计的分体式平台工作尺寸为750 mm×1 000 mm×550 mm,结构运行平稳,重复定位精度为±0.03 mm。修复的零件表面质量高,组织致密,无内部缺陷。结论 所设计的可移动激光再制造修复平台可对曲面薄壁件和较大缺口件等实施有效的现场修复,具备可操作性和实用性。
      The work aims to construct a mobile laser remanufacturing repair platform for the parts to be repaired on site, so as to realize three-dimensional effective repair of typical parts, because laser repair technology has obvious technical advantages compared with other repair technologies and most of the existing laser repair equipment is fixed, with high cost, which is difficult for on-site repair. A split repair workbench with gantry main structure was designed, which was composed of single-mode aluminum profile structure and ball screw linear module, and adopted double z-fixed x-axis and mechanically connected movable base. Three-axis parallel stepper motor drive and limit control circuit was designed to realize synchronous control and movement of each axis. The control system based on Atmega2560 main control board and Ramps1.4 expansion board was established. The main parameters such as stroke, limit and precision were configured through Marlin firmware, which compiled the control program. The laser repair experiments of typical curved surface turbine parts and preset groove defective parts were completed through forward and reverse technology and path planning. The working size of the split platform was designed to be 750 mm×1 000 mm×550 mm. The structure ran smoothly, and the repetitive positioning accuracy was ±0.03 mm. The parts repaired by this platform had high surface quality, compact structure and no internal defects. The designed movable laser remanufacturing repair platform can effectively repair curved thin-walled parts and large notch parts on site, which is operable and practical.
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