室温多向压缩道次变形量对AZ80镁合金力学性能影响 |
Effect of Deformation Amount of Multi-directional Compression Passes at Room Temperature on Mechanical Properties of AZ80 Magnesium Alloy |
DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1674-6457.2023.01.010 |
中文关键词: 晶粒细化 镁合金 室温 多向压缩 挤压态 力学性能 |
英文关键词: grain-refinement magnesium alloy room temperature multi-directional compression extrusion mechanical properties |
基金项目:山西省留学回国人员科技活动项目(20120303ZX);太原市人才专项(120247?14) |
Author Name | Affiliation | WEI Zeng | School of Materials Science and Engineering, North University of China, Taiyuan 030051, China | ZHANG Bao-hong | School of Materials Science and Engineering, North University of China, Taiyuan 030051, China | WU Zhuo-yang | School of Materials Science and Engineering, North University of China, Taiyuan 030051, China | HE Jin-wen | School of Materials Science and Engineering, North University of China, Taiyuan 030051, China |
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中文摘要: |
目的 探明室温塑性变形对AZ80塑性、硬度及最大应力等力学性能的影响规律,为其成形工艺参数制定提供依据。方法 对挤压态AZ80镁合金均匀化处理后,在室温下控制道次变形量(0.05、0.075、0.1)及累积应变进行多向多道次压缩变形;利用力学试验机和维氏硬度计分析道次变形量与累积应变对其力学性能的影响。结果 在室温下,当AZ80镁合金单向压缩的真应变达到0.124时会发生开裂,通过小应变多向多道次压缩可以将累积应变至少提高至3.6以上。在道次变形量为0.05、0.075和0.1时,累积应变分别可达到7.5、6和3.7;在累积应变为3.6时,随着道次变形量的增加试样硬度(HV)分别达到94、110和121,较未变形试样硬度(70HV)分别提升了33%、57%和73%。结论 AZ80镁合金通过室温多向多道次压缩有利于改善材料塑性,提高力学性能。其塑性随着道次变形量的减小而提高,硬度和最大应力随道次变形量和累积应变的增加而升高,且道次变形量比累积应变对硬度和最大应力的影响更大。 |
英文摘要: |
This work aims to explore the effect of plastic deformation at room temperature on the mechanical properties of AZ80, such as plasticity, hardness and maximum stress, so as to provide a basis for the formulation of its forming process parameters. After homogenization treatment of extruded AZ80 magnesium alloy, multi-directional and multi-pass compression deformation was carried out at room temperature by controlling the deformation amount (0.05, 0.075, 0.1) and the accumulated strain. The effect of pass deformation amount and accumulated strain on its mechanical properties was analyzed by mechanical testing machine and Vickers hardness tester. At room temperature, the AZ80 magnesium alloy was cracked when the true strain reached 0.124 in unidirectional compression, and the accumulated strain could be increased to at least 3.6 or more by multi-directional and multi-pass compression with small strain. When the deformation amount of the pass was 0.05, 0.075, and 0.1, the accumulated strain could reach 7.5, 6, and 3.7, respectively. When the accumulated strain was 3.6, the hardness of the sample reached 94HV, 110HV, and 121HV with the increase of the deformation amount of the pass, respectively, increasing by 33%, 57%, and 73% compared with the hardness (70HV) of undeformed sample. The multi-directional and multi-pass compression at room temperature is beneficial to improving the plasticity and the mechanical properties of the AZ80 magnesium alloy. The plasticity increases with the decrease of the pass deformation, the hardness and the maximum stress increase with the increase of the pass deformation and the accumulated strain, and the pass deformation has a greater effect on the hardness and the maximum stress than the accumulated strain. |
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