Effects of Rolling Temperature on Microstructure and Properties of Al-4.5Cu-1.5Mg-0.5Zr Alloy
中文关键词: Al−4.5Cu−1.5Mg−0.5Zr合金  轧制温度  显微组织  位错强度  力学性能
英文关键词: Al-4.5Cu-1.5Mg-0.5Zr alloy  rolling temperature  microstructure  dislocation strength  mechanical properties
Author NameAffiliation
YANG Chun-yang School of Mechanical and Automotive Engineering, Guangxi University of Science and Technology, Guangxi Liuzhou 545006, China 
SUN You-ping School of Mechanical and Automotive Engineering, Guangxi University of Science and Technology, Guangxi Liuzhou 545006, China
Guangxi Earthmoving Machinery Collaborative Innovation Center, Guangxi Liuzhou 545006, China
Guangxi Key Laboratory of Automobile Components and Vehicle Technology, Guangxi Liuzhou 545006, China 
HE Jiang-mei School of Mechanical and Automotive Engineering, Guangxi University of Science and Technology, Guangxi Liuzhou 545006, China 
ZHAI Chuan-tian School of Mechanical and Automotive Engineering, Guangxi University of Science and Technology, Guangxi Liuzhou 545006, China 
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      目的 优化加工工艺,改善合金的组织,提高合金的力学性能。方法 采用金相(OM)观察、拉伸试验和X射线衍射,分析在大应变轧制下冷轧结合T6态处理后板材的成形性能,引入Williamson-Hall模型和Taylor函数,分析合金内部位错密度的变化规律及其对力学性能的影响。结果 随着前期轧制温度从350 ℃升高到400 ℃,合金晶粒得到明显细化,再结晶充分,晶粒尺寸细小,晶界处第二相粗大;冷轧后晶粒破碎严重,晶粒的碎化方向与轧制方向垂直;在350 ℃时,合金内部的位错密度为1.62×1015 m2,位错密度对强度的贡献值为219.5 MPa,其抗拉强度最大为602 MPa、屈服强度为512 MPa、伸长率为12.6%。结论 Al−4.5Cu−1.5Mg−0.5Zr合金的晶粒组织明显细化,其力学性能得到提升。
      The work aims to optimize the processing technology of Al-4.5Cu-1.5mg-0.5Zr alloy, improve the grain structure of the alloy and improve the mechanical properties of the alloy. Metallographic microscope, tensile test and X-ray diffraction were used to analyze the formability of sheet at large strain rolling temperature. The Williamson-Hall model and Taylor function were introduced to analyze the variation law of dislocation density in the alloy and its effects on mechanical properties. As the rolling temperature increased from 350 ℃ to 400 ℃, the alloy grains were obviously refined, the recrystallization was sufficient, the grain size was small, and the second phase at the grain boundary was coarse. After cold rolling, the grains were seriously broken, and the direction of grain fragmentation was perpendicular to the rolling direction. At 350 ℃, the dislocation density inside the alloy was 1.62×1015 m−2, the contribution of dislocation density to strength was 219.5 MPa, the maximum tensile strength was 602 MPa, yield strength was 512 MPa, and the elongation was 12.6%. The grain structure of Al-4.5Cu- 1.5Mg-0.5Zr alloy is obviously refined and the mechanical properties of the alloy are improved.
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