Experimental Study on Electromagnetic Pulse Joining Technology of AA1060-DP600 Sheet
中文关键词: 磁脉冲连接  异种金属板连接  铝–钢  数值模拟
英文关键词: magnetic pulse joining  dissimilar sheet metal joining  aluminum-steel  numerical simulation
Author NameAffiliation
LI Hao-hua School of Materials Science and Engineering,Harbin 150001, China 
ZAHNG Mei-fu School of Materials Science and Engineering,Harbin 150001, China 
JIANG Xi School of Materials Science and Engineering,Harbin 150001, China 
YU Hai-ping School of Materials Science and Engineering,Harbin 150001, China
National Key Laboratory for Precision Hot Processing of Metals, Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin 150001, China 
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      目的 基于平板线圈对AA1060–DP600板材电磁脉冲连接过程进行数值模拟与工艺实验,探索线圈匝数、搭接区宽度、搭接间隙和放电电压等4个参数对连接接头质量的影响。方法 基于有限元分析软件(LS–DYNA),建立尺寸参数为80 mm×40 mm×1 mm的AA1060–DP600板材电磁脉冲连接有限元模型;基于平板线圈搭接实验装置进行工艺实验,采用电子万能实验机、金相显微镜对接头拉伸性能进行测试并观察其微观形貌,结合模拟与工艺实验的结果分析各个参数对接头质量的影响。结果 随平板跑道线圈匝数由1匝增至6匝,飞板与基板碰撞速度先升后降,在3匝时达到最大值;搭接间隙过大(2.5 mm)或过小(1.5 mm)都会使碰撞速度下降,进而使接头强度下降;碰撞速度和接头强度与搭接区宽度和放电电压成正相关,放电电压在9 kV及以上时更易实现连接;连接接头界面总体趋于平直,部分区域出现小波峰大波长的波形。结论 以拉伸性能最优为标准,最优的工艺参数为线圈匝数3匝、搭接间隙2 mm、搭接区宽度25 mm、放电电压11 kV,此条件下试件可承受的最大载荷为2.33 kN,达到母材AA1060的75%。
      The effects of coil turns, lap area width, lap gap and discharge voltage of magnetic pulse joining process on the quality of AA1060-DP600 plates joint was investigated by numerical simulation and experiments based on flat coil. The finite element model of magnetic pulse joining of AA1060-DP600 plates with size parameters of 80 mm×40 mm×1 mm was established based on LS-DYNA. Experiments were carried out by coil with optimal number of turns, and the tensile properties of the joints were tested by electronic universal testing machine. The microstructure of the joint was observed by metallographic microscope. Combined with the results of simulation and process test, the influences of each parameters on the quality of the joint were analyzed. As the number of turns of the flat coil increases from 1 turn to 6 turns, the collision speed firstly increases and then decreases, and reaches the maximum value at 3 turns. 2.5 mm or 1.5 mm lap gap reduce the impact speed and thus the joint strength. The impact speed increases with the increase of the width of the lap area. The strength of the joint increases with the increase of the discharge voltage, and the joining is easier to achieve when the discharge voltage is 9 kV and above. The joint interface tends to be generally straight, with small peaks and large wavelengths appearing in some areas. With the optimum tensile performance as the standard, the optimal process parameters are:coil turns of 3 turns, lap gap of 2 mm, lap area width of 25 mm, discharge voltage of 11 kV. The optimal joint can withstand the maximum load of 2.33 kN, up to 75% of the base metal AA1060 aluminum.
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