The Manufacture Processing and Recent Progress of Wear Resistant High-entropy Alloys
中文关键词: 高熵合金  耐磨性能  固溶强化  第二相强化  高熵合金涂层
英文关键词: high-entropy alloy  wear resistance  solution strengthening  second phase strengthening  high-entropy alloy coatings
Author NameAffiliation
XING Qiu-wei School of Materials Science and Engineering,Zhengzhou 450046, China 
WANG Wan-nian School of Materials Science and Engineering,Zhengzhou 450046, China 
LI Guo-ju School of Aerospace Engineering, Zhengzhou University of Aeronautics, Zhengzhou 450046, China 
ZHANG Xin-zhe School of Aerospace Engineering, Zhengzhou University of Aeronautics, Zhengzhou 450046, China 
ZHANG Xin-fang School of Materials Science and Engineering,Zhengzhou 450046, China 
CHEN Zhan-xing School of Materials Science and Engineering,Zhengzhou 450046, China 
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      The wear-resistant high entropy alloys (HEAs) are novel wear-resistant materials developed in recent decades, which have many characteristics such as more principal components, high strength, high hardness, low wear rate and high temperature resistance. In this paper, the recent progress of wear-resistant HEAs is reviewed from two aspects:the preparation process of wear-resistant HEAs and the influencing factors of wear-resistant properties of HEAs, focusing on the preparation technology of wear-resistant HEAs formed from solid, liquid and gas states, as well as the factors affecting the wear-resistance of HEAs. Firstly, the influences of various elements, including metal and non-metal elements, on the wear-resistance of high entropy alloys are summarized. Secondly, the research progresses of wear resistance of high entropy alloy and its carbonitride coating are reviewed. Recent studies show that many processes are capable of the preparation for wear-resistant HEAs, and appropriate preparation methods should be selected according to the different morphology and composition of the HEAs. The precipitation of hard phase induced by the addition of metallic or nonmetallic elements is still the main means to improve the wear resistance of the HEAs. Some HEAs or HEA coatings can also show excellent wear resistance under high temperature, lubrication and other conditions.
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