Screening of Laser Additive Manufactured Amorphous Alloy Via Ultrasonic Wave
中文关键词: 非晶合金  激光增材制造  超声波检测  高通量
英文关键词: amorphous alloy  laser additive manufacturing  ultrasonic wave detection technology  high-throughput
Author NameAffiliation
LUO Zhao-qiang CRRC Changchun Railway Vehicles Co., Ltd.Changchun 130062 China 
YU Ze-jiang School of Material Science and Engineering,Dalian Jiaotong University, Dalian 116028, China 
ZHAI Lin-lin School of Material Science and Engineering,Dalian Jiaotong University, Dalian 116028, China 
LU Yun-zhuo School of Material Science and Engineering,Dalian Jiaotong University, Dalian 116028, China 
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      目的 快速优化出无缺陷非晶合金激光增材制造工艺。方法 以Zr51Ti5Cu25Ni10Al9非晶合金为模型材料,利用超声波对金属内部缺陷的衰减,来快速筛选激光增材制造非晶合金的最佳工艺组合(激光功率和扫描速度)。结果 超声波检测可以准确有效地检测出非晶合金试件的晶化比例,并且当激光功率为1 300 W、扫描速度为600 mm/min时超声波衰减系数降至最低。进一步对该工艺下获得的样品分析发现,该工艺成型的Zr51Ti5Cu25Ni10Al9非晶合金缺陷最少、晶化程度最低、性能最佳。结论 超声波技术是快速筛选激光增材制造非晶合金等高性能金属最佳工艺参数的有效技术手段。
      To optimize the laser additive manufacturing process of defect-free metallic glasses. Using Zr51Ti5Cu25Ni10Al9 metallic glass as model material, the optimal process combination (laser power and scanning speed) for laser additive manufacturing of metallic glass was quickly selected by using ultrasonic attenuation of metal internal defects. The ultrasonic detection can accurately and effectively detect the crystallization ratio of metallic glass specimen, and the ultrasonic attenuation coefficient is reduced to the lowest when the laser power is 1 300 W and the scanning speed is 600 mm/min. Further analysis of the samples obtained by this process shows that the Zr51Ti5Cu25Ni10Al9 metallic glass formed by this process has the least defects, the lowest degree of crystallization and the best performance. Ultrasonic technology is an effective method for rapid screening of high performance metals such as metallic glasses by laser additive.
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