Study on Plastic Deformation of ZT3 Amorphous Alloy in Supercooled Liquid Region
中文关键词: ZT3非晶合金  过冷液相区  塑性变形  应变速率
英文关键词: ZT3 amorphous alloy  supercooled liquid region  plastic deformation  strain rate
Author NameAffiliation
LIU Wen-chao State Key Laboratory of Metastable Materials Preparation Technology and Science, Yanshan University, Hebei Qinhuangdao 066004, China
Jinlianlian Technology Co., Ltd., Shandong Weifang 261000, China 
MA Ming-zhen State Key Laboratory of Metastable Materials Preparation Technology and Science, Yanshan University, Hebei Qinhuangdao 066004, China 
LIU Ri-ping State Key Laboratory of Metastable Materials Preparation Technology and Science, Yanshan University, Hebei Qinhuangdao 066004, China 
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      目的 研究不同的应变速率和变形温度对Zr30.2Ti32.9Cu9Ni5.3Be22.6非晶合金(亦称ZT3)在过冷液相区塑性变形行为的影响。方法 首先,用真空非自耗电弧炉熔炼合金锭并吸铸成直径为8 mm、长度为60~80 mm的非晶合金圆棒;然后,通过等温晶化试验确定ZT3非晶合金在过冷液相区中对应不同温度时发生晶化转变所需的最短时间,并用热模拟试验机进行压缩变形的试验研究;最后,用X射线衍射仪测试ZT3非晶合金在过冷液相区塑性变形后的组织特性。结果 ZT3非晶合金在过冷液相区内的塑形变形行为与应变速率和变形温度有密切的关联性。不同的应变速率与变形温度都会对其塑性变形产生影响,但变形温度的影响比恒定应变速率更大。对ZT3非晶合金变形后的结构分析发现,应变速率对非晶态结构的影响大于温度。结论 ZT3非晶合金的等温晶化转变孕育时间最短为17 min,在小于17 min的时间内完成塑性变形即可抑制晶化转变的发生。当恒定应变速率为2×10‒3 s‒1时,将变形温度控制在355~375 ℃范围内有利于ZT3非晶合金在过冷液相区进行热压塑性成形。
      The work aims to investigate the effects of different strain rates and deformation temperatures on the plastic deformation behavior of Zr30.2Ti32.9Cu9Ni5.3Be22.6 amorphous alloy (also known as ZT3) in the supercooled liquid region. Firstly, the alloy ingots are melted by the vacuum non-consumable arc furnace, then sucked and casted into amorphous alloy rods with diameter of 8 mm and length of 60-80 mm. Next, the minimum time required for the crystallization transition of ZT3 amorphous alloys corresponding to different temperatures in the supercooled liquid region is determined by isothermal crystallization experiments, then the compression deformation is carried out with thermal simulated testing machines. Finally, the microstructure characteristics of ZT3 amorphous alloys after plastic deformation in the supercooled liquid region are tested by X-ray diffractometer. The results show that the plastic deformation behavior of ZT3 amorphous alloys in the supercooled liquid region is closely related to the deformation temperature and strain rate. Different strain rates and deformation temperatures can affect their plastic deformation, but the temperature has a more significant influence than the constant strain rate. The structural analysis of ZT3 amorphous alloys after deformation shows that the influence of strain rate on the amorphous structure is more significant than that of temperature. The minimum incubation time of the isothermal crystallization transition of ZT3 amorphous alloys is 17 minutes. The crystallization transition will be inhibited if the plastic deformation is completed in less than 17 minutes. When the constant strain rate is 2×10‒3 s‒1, controlling the deformation temperature in the range of 355-375 ℃ is conducive to the thermoplastic forming of ZT3 amorphous alloys in the supercooled liquid region.
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